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Spoiler Space Age Space Hub


The game was about evolve your city through ages of human civilization and at some points, you must reach our actual age. After that what, nothing? Stop talking nonsenses.

Just because someone loves the concept of exploring human civilisations doesn't automatically mean they'll have the same level of interest for that same concept in space.

Sure it makes sense for the game to explore space in relation to human history. We've already developed technologies in the real world for that purpose. But the average Joe is never leaving Earth, and those playing the game are still going to have their preferences on what aspects of exploring human history they actually want to play with.

So, visiting space is sci-fi, but time travel is ok? xD
I want them to return to earth, incorporate 'time travel' into their 'story' so we can visit more ancient civilizations or even civilizations we've already seen, but now in much more detail. No more of this space nonsense, please.
Doesn't have to be time travel. We have VR ;) We also have the concept of heritage sites / historical landmarks. We could have a Age that explores a civilisation trying to bring back the look of old cultures through duplicating old technologies they've found through archeological sites and old records. Or use VR type technology in some way to explore it.

Deleted User - 57457

Doesn't have to be time travel. We have VR ;) We also have the concept of heritage sites / historical landmarks. We could have an Age that explores a civilisation trying to bring back the look of old cultures through duplicating old technologies they've found through archeological sites and old records. Or use VR type technology in some way to explore it.
I would love such an emulation age concept. It wouldn't be the 1st time simulations are used to getting an impression of long lost cultures. With advanced VR it would be only more submersible. Only too bad keen eye will probably continue to stalk the (post) space ages. Even though that ability could be exploited.


So, visiting space is sci-fi, but time travel is ok?
It's just a gimmick to allow us to (re)visit ancient civilizations.
So yes, that's okay. But there's other ways to accomplish it; what matters is the result.

The game was about evolve your city through ages of human civilization and at some points, you must reach our actual age. After that what, nothing? Stop talking nonsenses.
There are so many more options than 'space future stuff'. If it had been 1, even 2 space ages I would have been fine with it... But it's 4 and soon to be 5 space ages! It's just too much. Enough is enough.
Existem muito mais opções do que 'coisas do futuro espacial'. Se tivesse 1, até 2 eras espaciais, eu estaria bem com isso... Mas são 4 e logo serão 5 eras espaciais! É demais. Já é suficiente.

It's better to get used to it because by the way it's going what will probably happen is that we will be visiting nearby solar systems like Alpha Centauri, Orion, Ursa Major and I have no doubt nothing to put the zodiac signs as part of it like pisces constellation, libra constellation, virgo constellation after we finish our solar system, since Alpha Centauri is in the constellation of centaur.


It's better to get used to it because by the way it's going what will probably happen is that we will be visiting nearby solar systems like Alpha Centauri, Orion, Ursa Major and I have no doubt nothing to put the zodiac signs as part of it like pisces constellation, libra constellation, virgo constellation after we finish our solar system, since Alpha Centauri is in the constellation of centaur.
I won't get used to it. My patience will run out... It's a few of the events that keep me from outright quitting, honestly. I still want stuff from those events for my town (which is a designed one; not a min-max one). But without proper event rewards this game doesn't really offer me anything of interest anymore.


About have a change of the design of the terrain arround our cities. . .the design of a giant space ship or something like that would not fit. It would be different if by using that ship we can change the the design for one of the previous colonies whenever we want. A lot better would be the releasement for skins to change the design of almost any building according to the size of the building of according of it's type to make it more futuristic <3 <3 <3 <3
now I can more or less know what this space center is.
when we left the VF and went to the SAM we had a spaceport where we headed to the colonies and along with the research we were progressing (in the beginning) the colonies and the research.
The space center will be something centralized only in the technological tree because they will abandon the colonies and will make another new modality like a new world and that will only work there, not needing to have ''independence''. Something else will certainly be created even more time consuming than the special goods or what may take time is the campaign map in which perhaps it follows a different path than conquering provinces, where perhaps the intention is the entire milky way, just as we have a world map within the campaign map, there will be a super campaign map in which what we will do is conquer planetary systems within our galaxy and then expanding as well as the post oceanic future expansion. Perhaps in the distant future we will be able to choose within the space center where to start our research. What do you think about it?
This is an interesting idea, we conquer the Milky Way, found a new world on a distant planet. With some inhabited worlds we discover we can only trade, a couple are warlike and occasionally raid us (city defence ;-) ). We could also found a second space guild, with new possible ones. Our old city should be preserved, however, because we need goods from the Iron Age to the Virtual Future, strengthens trade here too, and offers many new challenges.

Deleted User - 57457

If it's going like ages before: yes, very likely till next year for more spoilers

Deleted User - 57457

OK, what is Keen Eye?
Gives 20% or more chance that the damage caused by a unit with keen eye doubled. In space age Mars all units, except champions, have 20% chance. Every unit of the next space age has 5% higher chance:
Mars - 20-%
Asteroid belt - 25%
Venus - 30%
Jupiter moon - 35%
Titan - 40%
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Donne 20 % ou plus de chances que les dégâts causés par une unité avec un œil attentif soient doublés. Dans l'ère spatiale Mars, toutes les unités, à l'exception des champions, ont 20 % de chances. Chaque unité de la prochaine ère spatiale a 5 % de chances en plus :
Mars - 20-%
Ceinture d'astéroïdes - 25 %
Vénus - 30%
Titan - 35%
Vénus 30%
Jupiter 35%
Titan 40% *

Deleted User - 57457

OK, then how does one double keen eye?
For example: 4-6 damage, without keen eye you would cause 5 damage, if keen eye kicks in, you're doing instead of 5 damage 10. Effectively killing a unit with 1-shot. There is a given % chance that keen eye kicks in. If it does, it doubles the damage you would've otherwise caused.
As mentioned before, dependent on the space unit's age. There's one non-space unit with keen eye, the heavy unit of the settlement ancient Egypt. However you're unlocking them late in the settlement and due to their limited movement and long recruitment time, they're hard to use.


I think this was made by Innogames to stop in a certain way the cheaters who do thousands of fights per day.