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Feedback Quantum Incursions


I actually have a Quantum Solution to my Quantum Stuck happiness issue. I can collect 1 butcher, delete it, build Amphitheater (got just enough room), then collect the others at 1.5 bonus. Delete Amp, rebuild butcher, wait the 10 hours, repeat. 30% bonus is nothing to Quantum Sneeze at, it helps. I did not design my city for this Quantum Situation, it just happened. I didn't have my city packed like a can of Quantum Sardines, so it worked out.
Good job! I was going to ask if you tried Quantum building? I had room so I Quantum built three Quantum Aqueducts to help Quantum battle the Quantum overlord.

In my small Quantum settlement I only built the Quantum Roof tile houses, and when I could afford, I Quantum built one Quantum Villa! Since I never sold a Quantum building (only the Public Bath), I have not had a Quantum Euphoria issue. It has remained at Quantum 150% since day one.


Good job! I was going to ask if you tried Quantum building? I had room so I Quantum built three Quantum Aqueducts to help Quantum battle the Quantum overlord.

In my small Quantum settlement I only built the Quantum Roof tile houses, and when I could afford, I Quantum built one Quantum Villa! Since I never sold a Quantum building (only the Public Bath), I have not had a Quantum Euphoria issue. It has remained at Quantum 150% since day one.
Quantum Sweet!!! you avoided the bug by not building more residences. I did see something way back in the beginning, I wasn't Quantum Sure if it was a bug. I added an Arch, 675 happy. 10 hours later, it popped, I had 1350 happy. I was feeling Quantum Sassy. But, when I reloaded my player, it went back to 675 happy, Quantum Sad. So, I got credit for 2x Arch but when I reloaded, it corrected. This is not the case with the population, Quantum Squatters.

Retired Guy

Battle boosts don't make sense.. I have 75% boost against supposedly a 100% Mounted Warrior He's still standing after 5 hits from a full strength Ballista.. and I think you're aware of the issue that the 2nd wave usually doesn't even come close to resembling what's shown initially.


Perk Creator
Battle boosts don't make sense.. I have 75% boost against supposedly a 100% Mounted Warrior He's still standing after 5 hits from a full strength Ballista.. and I think you're aware of the issue that the 2nd wave usually doesn't even come close to resembling what's shown initially.
That's how ballistae are balanced. They normally take ~4 hits to take down a horse of the same age. 6 hits when it has a higher boost than you doesn't sound unreasonable - maybe a little unlucky.

From my damage calculator:


At 1-3 damage, ~5 hits would be the norm, but more than 5 with bad luck is quite plausible.


Sorry if this was already suggested earlier, but I thought it would be helpful if each node had a call sign, so that we could refer to specific positions on QI map more efficiently when chatting with other guild members. Similar to the 3-letter/number codes for sectors on a GBG map.
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QI is too much pay2win for me, you can skip the whole feature. I will probably do that when it goes live
The option to buy action points with shards(diamonds) has to be removed
Right now only players who spent diamonds on shards or shards on something get their combat boni on blue fields (lvl 8+9)


That's how ballistae are balanced. They normally take ~4 hits to take down a horse of the same age. 6 hits when it has a higher boost than you doesn't sound unreasonable - maybe a little unlucky.

From my damage calculator:

View attachment 10872

At 1-3 damage, ~5 hits would be the norm, but more than 5 with bad luck is quite plausible.
that sounds like the bug is not on the blue tiles, but on the red encounters
How are we supposed to get 225% combat values in lvl 8/9 without massive use of diamonds?


Perk Creator
that sounds like the bug is not on the blue tiles, but on the red encounters
How are we supposed to get 225% combat values in lvl 8/9 without massive use of diamonds?
The lowest barrier would probably be 50% FT + 25% TG + 30x Victory Pillar or Monument - split the guild up so some do each and stick to the types of encounters you built for (half the cost and 2/3 the space/euphoria required compared to 15x aqueduct that could handle both red and blue). You only need to be ready for difficulty 8 with 4 days left or so probably so you do have a whole week to build to that.

I think it's possible. Perhaps not much fun though :p

Retired Guy

Based on the number of issues, and known\reported bugs.. can we get a list of ALL the items, so we know whether it's even worthwhile to try and do something, or if we do.. did we hit a new issue? REALLY frustrating when SO many things don't work as planned.. thks


Stupid event/qi, just made 80 of my strongest fighters (horse guys) and auto-battled until I ran out of q-actions, lost 1 to 4 troops each go. tried manual battle - too slow and frustrating without full compliment of troops and no rogues. Not allowing all troops to be built is stupid, means I have to use less desirable troops agaisnt enemy formations they are not designed to fight or spend diamonds to heal the handful given at start- not going to spend diamonds to heal troops. I stopped doing that when I was in IA for real. My population is still wrong, I reported in bugs but no response to the bugs thread nor to my support ticket. Super frustrated with the whole deal at this point then getting people saying this thread isn't for this or that. Im not sure what it is for, nothing happens no matter what is said, I deleted all my comments that were bug reports and features I discovered, thought people might benefit from them but they are off topic, This post is off topic, tough beans , I won't comment anymore
I can't test a product that is broken out of the box. I gave it my all and tried my best to fully experience it. I don't see being interested in continuing to do this everyday. I do enjoy trying to optimize the city but it takes too much time and the rewards don't last long enough, my time is better spent on my main city
I hate the manual battling aspect, it takes way too long and is boring. It is not a good challenge. I don't think that is the way to go with QI, I think the best method is to build the city super strong with high levels of output and high mil stats, build a ton of troops and auto-battle them just to save time. The few extra I save with manual battle I don't need if I can make a ton. The limiting factor anyway is the number of actions you get each day. I used them up well before I kill all the troops. Killing off a bunch of inappropriate troops isn't any fun, there is no decision making, just reload fresh ones and press auto. Takes about 10 minutes and I'm out of q-actions.


It says "for your city" not "for your Quantum Settlement."

So another words, you will be able to use Quantum Medals to buy expansions for your main city.
lol, good one, I guess it depends on how one interprets it. The medals do show-up in your main city but this may be off topic as it is not technically feedback, wait I can make it feedback:
FEEDBACK: I don't like how the wording is written for q-medals pop-up as I don't know if it means I can get expansions for the q-city or my main city.
ATASCADO. Así me he quedado yo. Más atascado que un cangrejo en un chapapote. Sin suficientes tropas con las que conseguir recursos y sin materiales para poder construir edificios de producción ni militares. ¿Alguién sabe cómo conseguir los recursos necesarios para salir de este pozo?.

Reedición: DESATASCADO. El ayuntamiento me ha dado 10000 monedas y 10000 herramientas con las que he salido de la vía muerta. Ahora me toca esperar porque en mi inexperiencia, digamos, me he equivocado y con las monedas (como no se ve el contador!), solo he podido construir 2 edificios que fabrican herramientas cuando aún tengo las 10000 del ayuntamiento. He de construir casas que me den población y monedas. Después cuarteles militares de entrenamiento y edificios que produzcan bienes para poder batallar.

Rereedición: Me he vuelto a equivocar. He construido 2 barracones de Legionarios en lugar de uno de los que mediomalamente escojí. Legionarios y soldados. Digo mediomalamente porque los dos son de botas y debería haber escogido uno de botas y otro de diana.
(Pongo estas notas para que otros no sufraís los mismos errores. Ahora tengo que esperar más y además tengo que vender uno de los barracones. De hecho, cuantas más unidades entrenas a la vez, más económico te resulta en recursos).

Acabo de detectar otro error mío al escoger los 2 edificios de bienes. Hay que fijarse antes en el nodo que otorga bienes. Para acceder a él hay dos bienes que multiplican x2. Esos son los 2 edificios que hay que seleccionar. No me dí cuenta y ahora veo que no acerté con ninguno de los dos.
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Colors of the Stronghold icons are misleading. Assumption by the player for Red colored stronghold will be that it provides attack boost only, but in fact it provides both defense and attack:


Frankly, this is really boring. I can only collect coins and supplies every 10 hours, then I make 10 units, fight 2x, units bybye, need to wait another 10 hours to produce enough coins and supplies, fight 2x. repeat. I'm bored out of my mind. Why play this side game, inno? Give me a reason. The rewards are meh. I'd rather just forget about that gate there most of the time.


The fighting part is too difficult.
There should be more possibilities to become stronger for the weaker players, and more options for army troops to choose for experienced fighters.

I have no buildings in my main city that gives extra fighting power. By choosing only two types of fighters and my inexperience with manual fighting, I have to autobattle. I loose all my fighters in the battle at the moment.
I just came so far in the game because I used diamonds to heal the troops but I have reached my limit. I will not spend diamonds anymore on this.
If I would not have done that I could not have tribute at the fighting part at all.
I now can only wait for a goods nodes. For the rest I cannot do anything.

There should be possibilities during the seasons, where you can win extra fighters or some things that help you become stronger.

The only way to contribute for me from now on (without diamonds spent) is by building a city and deliver some goods.
But that is not a lot of action.
El marcador de FP se superpone al de monedas y no deja ver de cuantas se disponen:


Reedición: LeonaRdo78 me ha dado una pista: "Está utilizando una aplicación de terceros que no es compatible con el juego. Apáguelo y verá que este es el punto", que me ha servido para resolverlo. Ocurre cuando recojo o uso monedas. De momento como solución me sirve salir del quantum y volver a entrar. Engorroso pero funciona. Gracias, LeonaRdo78.
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