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Feedback Quantum Incursions


Don't tell me about 3kk crowns in 3 months. Levels above 65 don't provide any boosts. It don't even give prestige (25 points per level, as before) And you have to try hard to get these useless crowns. Wonderful. I'm glad that I won't have to rape 76 people with a feature that they're not interested in.
What if they tell you that there will be new boosts after lvl 100?


I can't see how long it will take for units to heal?

What are Quantum goods for?

Guild has completed the first tier or whatever it's name is, but how do I see what rewards I have gotten for that first tier?

Will it always be iron age in QI? Or will we get a different age after another tier? or after another season?

It would've been nicer if the background was somehow related to the path you have to follow; now the nodes are just hovering above the ground - instead of following the path of the background.

Is it possible to have the names of the military buildings and what kind of units they produce mentioned at the Quantum Incursion Preparation? I don't know by heart what the shoe, target, arrows etc mean...
Same for the goods buildings I guess... I recognise wool and wood, but have forgotten the other ones, so I have to go back to the real city to check...


The game is simple. Its a settlement. You have forgotten how to play them. The first step is to build a city with the best buildings giving gold and supplies, and not forgeting the hapiness. When you have a good production, create goods buildings to buy more expansions, to put more houses and factories. You only need 2 goods building, one of each type you choose. When you have the city well expanded, create one barrack of each type, to create troops. Now is the moment to interact in the map. The big problem is that you will need 5 days or one week to have a strong settlement, and it will be reseted few days after.
The worst thing of this is the erase of the settlement. If it get erased when the tournament ends, should be better option. But the best option is that settlement wont be erased.
At this moment, its too much effort for what it gives. The prizes for making things has a chance of 40% to get it, and are ridiculous. Medals is the only thing that has value because we will need it to buy expansions for our main city. The neo buildings are a p2w feature, beacuse it so dificult to get full neo colosus, Only being 4 times top10 guilds will have silver colosus; and only being 4 times top3 guilds will have gold colosus; or paying gold quantum pass. The other buildings, are only in quantum pass, because for classification, you only receive level 1 winner's plazza and botanical rotondal.


Hey @CDmark (aka Quantum Savage!) You beast! :p

Quantum Serenity here, all due of course to Quantum Serendipity. My town has 0 people, 0 Amphitheaters... all is well! I'm considering Quantum Superpositioning myself surreptitiously into multiple states of game venue play, without resolving.

Catch me if you can so I can know where I am! :cool:

Just remember a coin that's flipped has 2 states while in the air (heads AND tails), and it doesn't define itself in the universe for a VALUE (heads or tails...) until it lands, because it's pulled down to Earth by Quantum GRAVITY....:)
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I have a task 'Win 6 battles'. I fought and won one battle in Quantum, but it didn't count. Is this intentional or just missing?


"Complete this difficulty to have a chance to win these rewards!"
Who can win those rewards and when exactly? How do I know if I won something?


1 roof tile house + 3 cottage / 6 butcher + 3 tailor / 1 amphitheater + 1 public bath + 1 triumphal arch
maybe 2 days and finally I can produce some normal amount of units
as smaller amounts are clearly not worth it

Even if a nodes has a 20% chance supply reward, the 133 supply as reward is a joke.

experience: Day1: 13-15 fights, Day2: 8-12 fights, Day3: 0 fight, I missed money/supply donation node, than donate goods (I used the starting amount), 5 nodes left but can't participate in any
result: The playing time has been significantly reduced, max 5 minutes a day, and then I go to play with something else.

so a season is 11 days long, atleast 5 of which are spent on city development (no fun)
Everyone says that after 11 days the settlement also restarts, but this was not specifically described anywhere, only that the player chooses the product/unit for the season. Are you sure it's restarting? Although if it started again only at the end of the championship, maybe it would be too easy.

"I remembered of those MMORPGs where a new season starts every 3 months with a new theme and a new function. That is, you have to start a new character every 3 months, raise it to the max level, so that you can then play the end game. At least they are intense and the reset after 3 months, not 11 days"


Perk Creator
That's not what they are supposed to do. At least, it's not clear at all.
I've wasted 100,000 supplies for nothing. :-(
I agree that it could be made clearer (i suggested earlier it should show an angry face instead). But the happiness is listed under costs, so it is what it's "supposed to do" - just not what we naturally expect it to do.

I kept mine that I regretted buying because I still wanted the boost. But I'm not sure when I'll get around to building more.


I just noticed that QI decorations is the only building type to list satisfaction as a cost. Shouldn't all building types that cost satisfaction list what that cost is?


Decorations cost happiness, not provide.

Yes. They put entry to QI as a portal in our main game city - where we've used their game rules to build things. For some - DECADES of time.
And then they change things (like the value premise of decorations...) and we go into this thinking the rules follow what we learned in our main city.

I guess life is like a box of chocolates? In the quantum world, ya never know what you're going to get.

I'll bet @Matteozzzo is none to happy right about now. The things you want to count on in FoE, seem to fail you in QI.
Why are they even connected to our FoE city?

Captive audience theory? or ..unclear or poorly documented basic features especialy those that DIFFER from what we learned in FoE.