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Rejected New unit skill "Confusion" for Jupiter Units

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New skill for the upcomming units on Jupiter
Paralyzing targetted enemie unit for the next round in battle
It have to be balanced with maybe a percentage ratio and/or other limitations, but can be fine-tuned with this.
Abuse Prevention
If this will be well balanced, I didn´t see some sort of that.
A new unit skill that can be fine-tuned, so the main-question will be, what is the best way to make this skill not to an OP-Skill, what can happend, if it will not be limited.
Have you looked to see if this has already been suggested?
Yes, but didn´t found any simularitys
The main Idea behind that is, that this skill will enable the possibility to "paralyze" effected enemie-units for 1 Round in battle.
For the next Round in battle, this enemies can´t move, or attack, because of the "confusion" effect.

Since this can be a very strong skill, this should be balanced very well, with a percentage rate, or other mechanics like a limited access.
How effective this skill can be, depands than on the balancing and can be fine-tuned, by highering, or lowering these rates, so that the balancing to other units will not be that much effected.

I think this idea is a good idea for some (or only one?) of the new units in Jupiter, so it would be great to think about this a little bit more and how this can be implemented.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.


It's definitely more interesting than Keen Eye, though it has the same problem as that ability, the randomness of the battles' outcome. In one round you lose all your units without causing too much damage to the enemy units, then win by losing just 1 unit. I prefer more deterministic battles. Anyhow, I voted "maybe".
What makes you think upcoming units are not ready yet?

Ready yet doesn´t mean, that units in these phase of production are completly ready and the right balancing take a long timeperiod for testing - specialy on the Alpha.
So I think new ideas may be welcome as well, if other implementations may cause to much problems. ;)


Ready yet doesn´t mean, that units in these phase of production are completly ready and the right balancing take a long timeperiod for testing - specialy on the Alpha.
So I think new ideas may be welcome as well, if other implementations may cause to much problems. ;)

Sure, so they have to test even longer when they already have set a release date.

Ever seen any unit suggestion make it into the game?

You propose a new skill without any idea of how it will work and expect others to figure that out for you.
You propose a new skill without any idea of how it will work and expect others to figure that out for you.

I´m not shure if you understand the idea, because it seems to be, that you do not understand that much of it, Sorry, but that statement is just a bit stupid.
If you read my suggestion carefully, than you may see, that there are parameters named to handle the strangeness of that skill and an idea means NOT a completly ready to implement concept, what was testet etc.
Or in other words, give constructive response, or let it be, if you don´t like it, vote with No, but please don´t criticize others for there ideas in that way.
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