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Rejected new gbg tags and markings

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the tags as they are do not necessitate an order of hits or more complex battle coordination this could be added as an unlockable feature*
By unlocking these new tags when you click a sector there would be the ability to mark the sectors with numbers 1-10
This will just require an addition of a tab in the sector menu under cost for number markings to be added to the sector picture and an overlay drawing of the numbers 1-10 for the sectors
Abuse Prevention
not to my knowledge marking numbers on sectors is not changing the clicks or hits
adding markings for sectors will make the game seem more full exciting and in touch with other fighting games.
Have you looked to see if this has already been suggested?
I have looking but didn't see this suggestion.
adding a number marker 0-9 or 1-10 to gbg
this will allow for more complex plans and further puzzling as the dev's say in gbg


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It wont work out very easily. Assume you mark the numbering, let say 1, 2, 3 ,4 on few sectors.
2 and 4 already captured by other guild, what would be the effect of number marked then. Also, now will you try to mark number 1 or number 5 on other sectors. how you decide?
Confusing rite?


It wont work out very easily. Assume you mark the numbering, let say 1, 2, 3 ,4 on few sectors.
2 and 4 already captured by other guild, what would be the effect of number marked then. Also, now will you try to mark number 1 or number 5 on other sectors. how you decide?
Confusing rite?
it will just allow marking numbers 1 2 3 etc on all the sectors like you could have them all be 1 or all be 4 it will just have a tab for number marking sectors


Perk Creator
Drop !
It's been 2 years since the French community voted in favor of adding a third symbol to complete the target and the crossed out hand.
So it's been 2 years that the developers either don't have the time, or they don't care.


This will require coding that is more complex than just adding a new symbol, will add complexity where none is needed for GbG leads, and while interesting on the surface unfortunately does not appear worth further consideration.

Simple solution is put up a target on only one sector at a time actively while leading and the guild will follow. If this, instead, is to facilitate a time when GbG leads aren't around so others can follow a nice plan that shouldn't be on the game designers to implement, but rather I suggest using a GbG guild thread to leave a progression of sectors to hit in order while away.


This will require coding that is more complex than just adding a new symbol, will add complexity where none is needed for GbG leads, and while interesting on the surface unfortunately does not appear worth further consideration.

Simple solution is put up a target on only one sector at a time actively while leading and the guild will follow. If this, instead, is to facilitate a time when GbG leads aren't around so others can follow a nice plan that shouldn't be on the game designers to implement, but rather I suggest using a GbG guild thread to leave a progression of sectors to hit in order while away.
remember how easy it was for them to move the heal all button, the total requirement of code for a stationary symbol that does nothing is a bit moot a point as far as code is concerned. :) lol
lol your understanding of code is like talking about god and turning wine into water ;) do you think your processor does magic spells to get your graphics card to show images on the screen? :)


Ah, so you wanted 10 new symbols where folks could put out 1's or 2's or 3's and when a sector was taken nothing would update - simple static number that just goes away when the sector is flipped?

You're definitely not talking about *my* understanding of code as I've been writing scripts, games, and applications from 1983 and on.

The point, as made by Deadpool was that if the devs won't implement a simple static tag pushed forward to the devs two years ago in addition to the two we finally got, what are the odds we'll get 10 more to serve a small segment of the population?


Ah, so you wanted 10 new symbols where folks could put out 1's or 2's or 3's and when a sector was taken nothing would update - simple static number that just goes away when the sector is flipped?

You're definitely not talking about *my* understanding of code as I've been writing scripts, games, and applications from 1983 and on.

The point, as made by Deadpool was that if the devs won't implement a simple static tag pushed forward to the devs two years ago in addition to the two we finally got, what are the odds we'll get 10 more to serve a small segment of the population?

The point is they are similar to ffxiv tags and the number tags are super helpful lol and no not a lot of new code just a lot of reused code with some alterations.


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it will just allow marking numbers 1 2 3 etc on all the sectors like you could have them all be 1 or all be 4 it will just have a tab for number marking sectors
I don't understand, what's the purpose of doing same number markings in all sectors?


Well you mark it in time corectly... If those sector were opening faster they were meant to be taken earlier so - bad commanders. Its so awful when sector is staying w/o lock for longer than few minutes.
Can't blame the commanders everytime. No one is perfect and no one can expect the perfection everytime.


Why people would vote against this idea when litterally there is nothing bad or wrong about have this new option of mark territories with a number? .-. people are just mean and bad and terrible.


Why people would vote against this idea when litterally there is nothing bad or wrong about have this new option of mark territories with a number? .-. people are just mean and bad and terrible.
OP felt some interest by sharing this idea, have downvoted this idea for few reasons and stated it in the comments already. Also idea should make me feel something excited or interesting for the game play to do a upvote, which I didn't feel in this idea. For this, calling someone as bad and terrible, you are so mean by judging others like this.


OP felt some interest by sharing this idea, have downvoted this idea for few reasons and stated it in the comments already. Also idea should make me feel something excited or interesting for the game play to do a upvote, which I didn't feel in this idea. For this, calling someone as bad and terrible, you are so mean by judging others like this.
Good idea's are prohibited if it makes you feel something it's already against all the suggestion rules it needs to be milde lol jk for inno and involve the word puzzle


I command and/or help command GBG in 6 worlds.... while I don't have an issue with this idea, there's no way i'd actually use it, it's just not practical for me if we already have GBG threads where I can just post what's next- plus not everyone checks the GBG map every day, while most players check their msg's several times a day, and more battleground awareness = more hits.


It's not necessarily a bad idea, just not smt I could see myself using. Or teaching to my team and guild just so that they can use it optionally.


I think bad idea term is misunderstood, I state that as a bad idea in the terms of "not useful" with the current situation. Impact of this idea, If guild leaders mark the numbers on few sectors are as 1,1 and few sector as 2,2, guild can pick their fight accordingly based on their guild leader number choice. but it won't prevent the guild mates finishing number 2 marked sectors before number 1, you can argue like it's a worst guild which does like that. But it depends on every individual choice. Idea is just an another headache to guild leaders even though if people wish to follow the order. Also, how long the number will be marked on the sector is the next question. Maybe after capturing the sector auto clearing it or manually an option given to guild leaders to clear it. How's the numbers markers applied can be removed or modified in case of marked wrongly on any sector. Is there any submit button going to be added? current behavior is simple, and guild chat already available to discuss which sector and GBG 'detailed view' already displays number 0,1,2,3 on each sector labels based on the gbg buildings added in the sector.
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