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New FP buy dialogue


Spoiler Poster
Thank you for this long overdue change!
2 things:
- please remove the buy limit of 10 FP and increase to 100 just as with collection limit (so 10 FP can be bought, even when there are 10 FP in the bar)
- please remove the FP packages from this screen (who uses these from this screen ever since the free entry fields were added to the tech and GB) - instead the top row could be used to buy with diamonds and the bottom row for buying with coins - that way the buttons are not as close to one another
- EDIT: moving the buttons as suggested by mcbluefire below might be the easiest solution to distance the coin/dia buttons...
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Spoiler Poster
Main reason to split the top/bottom in diamond/coins is to separate the buttons... otherwise I expect there to be some clumsy players that deactivated the diamonds confirmation and unintentionally buy diamonds by misclicking - which support then has to correct


Good first attempt, but the diamond and coin buttons are too close to each other - going to lead to accidental coin purchases when trying to use diamonds and diamond purchases (for those with the confirmation off) when trying to spend coins.. Perhaps one row of buttons (diamonds) above the purchase picture and one row below (coins)?

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please remove the FP packages from this screen (who uses these from this screen ever since the free entry fields were added to the tech and GB) - instead the top row could be used to buy with diamonds and the bottom row for buying with coins - that way the buttons are not as close to one another
100% agreed. There *must* be a sufficient gap between diamond and non-diamond purchase locations. That was the whole problem with the heal all button xD


I DO use the packages option at the bottom... when I want an urgent market trade and have no fp in the bar. Otherwise I have to come out the trade screen, open the inventory use an fp package and go back to the trade.

It might not be used in the gb contribution any more as you can just type in the amount to contribute and it uses them, but it's still useful in trades.


As for paying diamonds for fp. I like the suggestion above where the buttons are at the top of each box. I don't think I would every use them... but if they are going to be there then that's the better position.
I find it unfortunate that these trials are not accessible to all Beta players.

I understand that it takes people testing the version that will be deployed live but find it unfortunate (bis repetita) the way Innogames does it.

Innogames could
- either enable/disable these new features in the configuration interface,
- or open 2 mirror worlds on Beta: a world with the version intended to be released on live servers and another world with the evolutions to be evaluated.

Owl II

All this construction does not carry any sense. It would be useful to make an input field (as for the contribution of the FP) or remove the limit in the scale. So we would buy more than 10 at the same time. Everything else is useless
All this construction does not carry any sense. It would be useful to make an input field (as for the contribution of the FP) or remove the limit in the scale. So we would buy more than 10 at the same time. Everything else is useless
I wouldn't go that far, buying 10FP with gold coins is a real breakthrough. This has been requested by players for a very long time and this change will be very welcome.
Indeed the 5FP is nonsense. It would take a choice at 100FP, but there it is the price in diamonds which would then be dissuasive (5000 diams?)
Here it is mainly the positioning of the buttons that is not good. We fall back into the failings of "Heal all" and a risk of unwanted purchase via diams


no it is not

events have plenty of buy 5 FP

While that is true, I'd rather click buy 1 FP - 5 times than buy 10 FP, drop on a GB, repeat - 10 times to get 100 FP.
As there are many players who can easily buy 2000+ FP a week but don't because they don't want to use their billions of coins to slowly buy 1 FP at a time this should become 1FP, 10FP, and 100FP. But since some view that as an "easy button" that is "against intended design" please follow with messages arguing about why a game should be more of a chore than just buying what we can afford either from diamonds or coins. Precedent in the GBs shows otherwise and this game has enough to keep us occupied without spending an hour or more clicking "buy 1FP" and dumping every 10th purchase onto a GB, rinse repeat for an hour or more.o_O


Perk Creator
no it is not

events have plenty of buy 5 FP

OF recurring quest as well. And some of the later recurring quests are 15 - so 10 once and 5 once.

It would be better to have an input field and the ability to do at least 15-20 at a time - but if we presume they don't like that option for some reason, buttons for 5 and 10 are still much appreciated.

Owl II

I wouldn't go that far, buying 10FP with gold coins is a real breakthrough. This has been requested by players for a very long time and this change will be very welcome.
Indeed the 5FP is nonsense. It would take a choice at 100FP, but there it is the price in diamonds which would then be dissuasive (5000 diams?)
Here it is mainly the positioning of the buttons that is not good. We fall back into the failings of "Heal all" and a risk of unwanted purchase via diams
How often do you buy FP for diamonds and for what purpose? How often do you buy FP for coins and for what purpose? From practical experience: I had to buy an FP at the initial stage of the game. The main pain is jumping from the purchase window to the deposit window, but not 10 clicks to fill the scale. This cute innovation does not ease these torments in any way. But you're right, the buttons for buying diamonds helpfully appeared next to it. It's incomprehensible after the experience with the heal all button