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Duplicate: Login on Android devices is still not possible


As the title says "Android" I thought it would be clear:

I'm playing with android app 1.260.22

Android 13

Login to beta server is still not possible, it says "server maintenance"

German server is available


As the title says "Android" I thought it would be clear:

I'm playing with android app 1.260.22

Android 13

Login to beta server is still not possible, it says "server maintenance"

German server is available
then return to android app v1.261.4 since I have 0 issue with it and I also have android 13


It works again, whatever you changed, please keep it

yeah, confirmed: _right now_ it's possible to login .. but whatever they changed, they disabled the messaging system .. across all platforms, all worlds, all (? I see it in German and on Beta) servers

To me it looks like a major issue in their codebase: intermittent on/off bugs with effects all across the software is a very very very alarming sign