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Duplicate: Land Bug


World: Dunarsund
Browser/Version: Version 39.0.2171.71 m
Overview of bug: Earned land disappears
How often occurs: So far, only this once
Preventive Actions: re-code the error

I had earned a new plot of land via completing a continent map. I was unable to use it yet as I needed to save up some coins. Then I also earned enough medals to get another piece of land. I went ahead and used this. All of a sudden, my earned land from the continent map was no longer available. I earned 2 sections of land. I don't think it is intended to be an either/or situation as if I'd been able to use the first with coins, I'd still have gotten to use the second with the medals.


I think that's the same bug. I'm sorry I didn't see it before when I did my search.