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is this a bug in GvG on live servers?

Luke Stark

all ages map and we freed up entire beach so nobody could land, however one sector did not complied....


anybody has an idea how this could happen? of course we contacted support but we have little to none hope in the supp lately...


I'm not sure if this really is a landing place since it is on the river.
Can anyone shed some light on this? I easily admit I'm not a GvG expert... o_O
(and unfortunately I cannot ask others on beta-team atm)

BTW: BETA support does care and we do what we reasonably can.
Right now some in our beta-team have to deal with IRL issues, which is why currently it may take a while longer for us to respond.
We sure would appreciate some new colleagues!

So anyone interested in a volunteer job: contact Zarok Dai :D


I'm not sure if this really is a landing place since it is on the river.
Can anyone shed some light on this? I easily admit I'm not a GvG expert... o_O
(and unfortunately I cannot ask others on beta-team atm)

BTW: BETA support does care and we do what we reasonably can.
Right now some in our beta-team have to deal with IRL issues, which is why currently it may take a while longer for us to respond.
We sure would appreciate some new colleagues!

So anyone interested in a volunteer job with no real pay and lots of hours: contact Zarok Dai :D
Yes, it is really a landing zone. Here is an image with it properly blacked out because of lack of occupied neighbor sectors.
AA part2.jpg

Luke Stark

Thank You NormaJeane for feedback to mine inquiry :)

it is a landing zone, it should have been blackout as on the picture above from dontwannaname

We are just very confused and really really frustrated cause this "bug" should not happen, especially after few days of hard work to conquer the entire area of the map to be able to do that....thanks to this our enemy used it shamelesly to his advantage. We asked around other players with longer playing time on foe, this definetely should not have taken place.

it was a NPC zone, surrounded with out own sectors, the one landing zone above did "vanish" properly and it was also a npc.