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Fixed on Beta: HTML5 - page count on Ranking [46718]

When i select some players in reseach on global ranking (more than 10 results) there is no page count (page count is visible in flash version)

Edit: NormaJeane - 218-02-16 - Too large image(s), spoiler tags were added. Max size allowed is: 600x480 pixels.
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Amy Steele

I can't reproduce this so far in chrome - using the same search term as yourself ('A') I get 5 pages of results with the first page shown as 1/5. Could you help us out a bit more with those reproduction steps please? It would also help us if you can use the template found here when reporting issues :)
Select text on page count text box
Write 99999999999999999999 on page count text box
Validate (=> value more or less not visible is "4651/4651" on left side of text box)
Go to seach text box and write A
=> page count is empty ;)

Also present on Event History page count & Market page count
Bug not present on flash version
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Select text on page count text box
Write 99999999999999999999 on page count text box
Validate (=> value more or less not visible is "4651/4651" on left side of text box)
Go to seach text box and write A
=> page count is empty ;)

I still can not reproduce with these steps.


Select text on page count text box
Write 99999999999999999999 on page count text box
Validate (=> value more or less not visible is "4651/4651" on left side of text box)
Go to seach text box and write A
=> page count is empty ;)
Reproduced in this way. After first validation the text indeed isn't gone, but looks moved on the left side (see spoiler), then name's search hides completely the text.


1.121.503a45afbd (16.02.2018 8:31), RedRed (58287), zz1, en_US, WEB 6,5,0,0, Windows 10, Chrome/63.0.3239.132, 1366x662, OpenGL Vendor=WebKit Version=WebGL 1.0 (OpenGL ES 2.0 Chromium) Renderer=WebKit WebGL GLSL=WebGL GLSL ES 1.0 (OpenGL ES GLSL ES 1.0 Chromium) (512 MB VRAM)