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Event Historical Questline: Mary Stuart



Mary was Queen of Scotland and reigned about 460 years ago. The only legitimate child of King James, she became queen six days after her birth.

Greetings Beta,

A new historical questline will be starting today! This time we will follow the life of Mary, Queen of Scots, who was one of the most tragic queens in British history. You can go through a quest line that will let you learn more about her life and reign.
If you manage to complete all the quests in time, you will get a unique portrait of Mary Stuart and a Shrine of Knowledge which will support your progress through the technology tree!


Mary, Queen of Scots lived a fascinating life. She left her mark in Scotland, England and France's history.

Forge of Empires Team

PS: We value your feedback greatly, so don't forget to comment here!

PPS: Please do note that this historical questline will only be available through the browser version of the game.