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Feedback Guild Battlegrounds Update 2023


I droppede Diamant ligaen and play now in Platin in a one womans guild. The reason I left my Diamant Guild was the greedy farmers who believed they was the Gods gift to the Guild. Look forward to see the Guilds Pulling together..
Who gets the sectors in the top 10 guilds on the live cities at night when everyone is in bed. It was the farmers who saved the guild.


Who gets the sectors in the top 10 guilds on the live cities at night when everyone is in bed. It was the farmers who saved the guild.
Time will show, but the other guilds om the map will also lose their many free fights at the night


Time will show, but the other guilds om the map will also lose their many free fights at the night
Of course, everything is different now. All I cared about was the farmers you hated, without whom no fighting guild has ever been able to survive.


When do we remove farming from GVG? If this is about farming lets remove that as well That's been a huge cheat forever. You removed the ability to farm champs but not farm. Its hundreds of free fights daily. So lets equalize that too. Perhaps a dropped sector can not be reacquired for 48-72 hours. There should be some cost for it. It for sure pads the numbers for many. Same unfairness.


Quand supprimerons-nous l’agriculture de GVG ? S'il s'agit d'agriculture, supprimons cela également. Cela a toujours été une énorme triche. Vous avez supprimé la possibilité de cultiver des champions mais pas de cultiver. Ses centaines de combats gratuits quotidiens. Alors égalisons cela aussi. Peut-être qu'un secteur abandonné ne pourra pas être réacquis avant 48 à 72 heures. Cela devrait avoir un certain coût. Cela complète certainement les chiffres pour beaucoup. Même injustice.

Vous êtes hors sujet, on parle ici de champs de bataille. S'il te plaît, va pleurer ailleurs


Not really off topic, and not crying. Simple observation on the game. Vous êtes probablement agriculteur. Merci pour vos commentaires.


All I cared about was the farmers you hated, without whom no fighting guild has ever been able to survive.

Fighters don't need farmers to survive. Farmers need farmers.

If the goal is merely to win or survive then that's quite easy for fighters. Fighters could take the whole map and max out their attrition, because their goal is merely to have more sectors than the opponent long enough to gather the Victory Points. No problem there.

Farmers on the other hand would be wanting to reduce their attrition as close to 0 as possible to keep the rewards coming in. It's an entirely different goal
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Of course, everything is different now. All I cared about was the farmers you hated, without whom no fighting guild has ever been able to survive.

No fighting guild needs farmers. Someone has to take fights, yes, but if someone swans in after everyone else is exhausted and claims to be saving the guild, they deserve the boot, not praise. I want to add more than a rolling on the floor laughing emoji to that statement, talk about misrepresenting the importance of greedy play vs proper team work.


I really like the new changes, it makes it tougher but that is a positive to making the game more engaging - I was just wondering, would it be possible to do a fragments exchange? The new packs are much neater but having permanently 94/100 fragments for an extension will drive me mad haha! Just a once off as I'm sure everyone has spare pieces from when they were seperate


good morning
Can anyone tell me how much it costs to speed up the construction of new buildings on the battlefield using diamonds?
about twice what it cost on live currently but the gain is you do it less often as any 2 slots can give maximum reduction.



@The Lady Ann,Emberguard,Arch1e

Now I want to know - what is a farmer? I always describe myself as a fighter. I obviously do a lot of fighting in the live world when I'm alone at night. I have to get all the sectors and set up buildings for the early shift - I'm in a top 10 fighting guild. Do I farm or fight?
This concerns the past, from today onwards everything is different in the live world too.


Do I farm or fight?

Possibly a bit of both depending on whether an opponent is racing to capture a sector you're prepping for a swap

Just to be clear, fighters are just as capable of farming as any farmer would be and there's nothing stopping a farmer from fighting if they really wanted to. Working with farmers in a Guild, or incorporating farming in some way is not the same thing as needing farming or farmers to survive. Farming is significantly easier than fighting to manage.

Farming effectively means you're holding back your punches for each others mutual benefit. The ultimate goal being to keep reusing the same territory to min-max rewards

If we were truly fighting that would lend itself to requiring yourself to be the absolute best you can be against an opponent that never holds back. It would mean planning ahead to ensure you're not locked out. It would mean you're not working together with an ally to swap sectors.


Possibly a bit of both depending on whether an opponent is racing to capture a sector you're prepping for a swap

Just to be clear, fighters are just as capable of farming as any farmer would be and there's nothing stopping a farmer from fighting if they really wanted to. Working with farmers in a Guild, or incorporating farming in some way is not the same thing as needing farming or farmers to survive. Farming is significantly easier than fighting to manage.

Farming effectively means you're holding back your punches for each others mutual benefit. The ultimate goal being to keep reusing the same territory to min-max rewards

If we were truly fighting that would lend itself to requiring yourself to be the absolute best you can be against an opponent that never holds back. It would mean planning ahead to ensure you're not locked out. It would mean you're not working together with an ally to swap sectors.
By farming do you mean sector swapping? Then all the top guilds would actually have been farmers.

The Lady Ann

By farming do you mean sector swapping? Then all the top guilds would actually have been farmers.
Speak for yourself my guild on live lives for the day we meet our greatest rivals we hate TRULY HATE the boring merry go round every 4 or 8 hours when we have to hold the map or pin everyone back and run out of things to hit after the 1st hour

but unfortunately due to the stupid matchmaking we only meet our greatest rivals every 2/3 months and when we do no quarter is given on either side traps palaces you name it we and they use it


By farming do you mean sector swapping?


Then all the top guilds would actually have been farmers.

A lot of top Guilds these days are farmers, yes. If you're working with what would have been the toughest opponent on the board then you have no real opponents to contend with for the duration of the season. Any fighting would be sparse and rather limited in comparison

It didn't start out that way. Originally farming didn't even exist. At all. Mainly because no one was trying to min-max rewards when Guild Battlegrounds was introduced. They were trying to win by their own strength against their closest matched opponent on the board. That's why I can confidently say fighters don't need farmers just to survive. Fighters were already thriving without farmers and were winning consistently.

In many ways it's like how in any other game once you've beaten the game in full the only thing left to do is endlessly grind levels.


By farming do you mean sector swapping? Then all the top guilds would actually have been farmers.

Not necessarily. If swapping is the only thing that a guild will engage in, then yes, but if the season is dead and the guild as a whole holds back so other guilds take sectors and gives the subsequent season some interest, I see that as just fights and fun. If it were possible, I would have been equally happy if there had been a stop button at that point and the season could have been ended ahead of time, rather than people having to spend another week monitoring a dead map. By contrast, swapping if it’s part of a coordinated effort to maximise rewards for everyone is just essentially teaching a whole guild to farm.

Now I want to know - what is a farmer?

A farmer takes no or minimum interest in higher attrition gaining sectors, and focuses on what can be done to maximise their own fights. You say that you fight alone in the night to give the next shift buildings for when they come on. Does it mean you kill your attrition then, or just that you take the easy fights that are available, dime through maybe for more easy sectors, and set the next buildings for others to build? Or a combo of both. Only you know, I don’t pass judgment. But if there truly is nobody else interested in your guild, is that a fighting guild, or just a place for you to maximise fights because you are one of few interested people? Again, I don’t pass judgment, just asking for that reflection.