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Feedback Guild Battlegrounds Update 2023


For the Headquarters: Can we please put the ability in to see what other Guilds have built in their Headquarters?
I know the guild next to me put improvised and fortified, popped them too. At first, I was looking to see how they were getting 125% more VP on D2T via D3Y, D3Y has 2 barracks. Barracks don't give you any VP boost so it is coming from the HQ (improvised-25% and fortified-100%). Now, want to stop farming, if 80% cap, so I assume if you put down 2 barracks which equal 100% reduction but you only get 80% because of the cap. Instead of increasing the number of hits needed, % increase of advances, give it trap capabilities, so a fortified barrack would be a 30% trap. Would be interesting.


Well you have a lot more options for attrition reduction, so if barracks has a low good, command post may have a better option.


View attachment 10027
View attachment 10028
Fortified Command Post and Fortified Barracks cost the same amount of goods and take the same time to build, but the Command Post also gives +100% Victory Points, so why should one choose the Barracks?
Is there something that I'm missing?

Yes, the Guild Treasury.

If you only have one to choose from and it's something you can't build then you're stuck. If there's a plan B you have a backup if the goods align better with your Treasury


Afaik this is not intended. Will probably be fixed as soon as possible.
Well, wont make the frenchies happy on my map, they popped 2 fortified GFC's. the Greeks too, they popped a fortified and improvised GFC's (the ones with 125% VP I posted earlier).


Seriously, this can't be intended!

My guild, only me, copper league (it's shown wrong in the rankings), never played GbG on Beta before, is on 5th place in the guild rankings.


Meanwhile the top guilds (diamond league, it's shown wrong in the rankings) on place 331 and beyond...


Harold Nat

Baking Sudoku Master
but maybe the guild doesn't need the extra victory points
or what if you don't want them because the goal is to get 5th or 6th to go down to an easier diamond league
ok so the slight difference seems to be intended and it could match different strategies and goods situations in the treasury, it makes a little more sense now


New ranking seems to be completely bugged. New guilds are at the top. Our guild: Diamond, 1000 LP is ranked 997 out of 1026 guilds ???
it is just 5 hours old
and running 16 weeks before it resets

enough time to get a better place

It seems that the time of the LP is over, and the time of the VP has come.
actually it is the time of 0 LP guilds :p

all those guilds get a +50% on their LP result

now we could think: that is their first season only

but now the big : IF
if such a bronze guild manages to win all 8 season (the first few on lower leagues and at the end diamond league) they automatically win the whole championship

then the BEST guild in the world (which did play in different diamond battlegrounds than the guild above when that reached diamond) can win all their 8 diamond season and would still end 2nd

because on the first season the bronze guild got a +50% on the LP


maybe a few top fighters join Wildfire in the next season to help them a little bit ;)


Can you list the diamond cost for the buildings, maybe under the timer to build. Forward GCP is 90, think fortified GCP is 125. If they are gonna be different, would be nice to have it listed.

time-diamond cost.JPG

under the time or under the build
the forgotten temple should give additional att/def for the attack on the battleground - its popup does show it (I assume it's the entry with the green flaggy sub-icon?) but that additional doesn't appear when attacking on the battleground nor in the boost overview (same always, independent of where I attack). What do I miss/-understand?


When we go to detailed view, ex D2T 2/2, looks great. Now, open provinces show how much attrition reduction from 100% attrition (don't confuse with the cap when reading this), so -20% means it is 80% chance to NOT to increase attrition level (the 80% cap which works like a champ, not surprising). Super, fantastic. Any reason we can't have that value for closed provinces adjacent to ones we own? If the detailed view gives detailed information, a province I am going to attack whe it opens, it would make sense to post my current reduction from 100% attrition.


The proposed changes entail a change in tactics. Is it possible to move the start of the season from 8 am (beginning of the working day) to 8-9 pm?


The proposed changes entail a change in tactics. Is it possible to move the start of the season from 8 am (beginning of the working day) to 8-9 pm?
Time change works for me. I think I read bcs they are in Europe, that is the baseline the use for the game.


in announcement
We will also change the attrition to scale more linearly (compared to exponentially before) and increase the overall achievable attrition level.

but at attrition 56 still the same values as before

so at which attrition level does this change start ?

The increase will be way more signific towards the higher attrition levels.
logically when it would be linear and not exponential anymore

but shouldn't be a small change already be seen in lower levels ?


in announcement

but at attrition 56 still the same values as before

so at which attrition level does this change start ?

I think they meant that with the 66% cap the attrition was multiplicative. The first camp gave 24%, two camps gave 42%, three were 56%, and four was 66%. Whereas now you just add them together 60+20 = 80


Overall first impressions it's like INNO decided how can we help the bigger guilds and screw the smaller guilds the most? I know, let's do 75k for a field camp!

While I think a camp on your homebase is a genius idea and something I've considered for a long time, charging 75k is exclusively for the largest guilds. Here's an idea, make the homebase cheap, fair, and equal for all. It doesn't give any one guild an advantage to jump into the map, and it allows the smaller guilds that are locked down into their base always to get a chance for hits.

The only other comment I want to add at this time is can we change those names?
Improvised Guild Command Post (IGCP)
Forward Guild Command Post (FGCP)
Fortified Guild Command Post (FGCP)
At the very least make different acronyms.

Improvised Post
Command Post
Fortified Command Post


Some More fragments to fill up your Inventory way to go Inno
Could they not have just converted your existing Road to Victory and SOH frags to the new selection kit nooo we will just leave more garbage in the trunk


I think they meant that with the 66% cap the attrition was multiplicative. The first camp gave 24%, two camps gave 42%, three were 56%, and four was 66%. Whereas now you just add them together 60+20 = 80
From the change announcement

"We will also change the attrition to scale more linearly (compared to exponentially before) and increase the overall achievable attrition level."

Can we have clarification on what that means? I took that to mean att/def penalties from attrition would scale more linearly so you can achieve a higher attrition. If attrition penalties remain the same then 80% cap on avoiding attrition will severely limit how many battles you can fight before hitting your attrition limit (which I guess is the intent but the question is to what degree was intended) and penalises newer players who haven't had time to build up att/def bonuses much more than advanced ones who can already fight to high attrition levels.