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Do Not Suggest Fragments of Expansions

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Rewards for consistent play/lack of space
Fragments of Expansions as a reward for each completed Event
Don't think it will impact
Abuse Prevention
Don't think it will encourage cheating
Have you looked to see if this has already been suggested?
All of us gather new buildings as we complete events during the year, but how many of us have room to build them? We have the option of reorganising our cities every time, but how about we get Fragments of Expansions for each Event completed? Fragments do after all seem to be the flavour of the moment.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.


"Fragments of Expansion" excellent idea, as a complement to all other fragments :)
Could be an alternative to medals/diamonds or better yet an addition.
Whats the limit? Stoner ages city with max land? The purpose of aging up is to get the extra expansions.

Inno would have to redo the map for more expansions as well. Give the top corner more expansions land !


It is a possibility to add some expeditions regardless of the players age since demand of land is increasing due to GE5. The map itself has been expanded already making it technically possible.

Although, unlimited number of expansions is a dangerous feature that can break the balance greatly. If we implement fragmented expansion, we need a cap, or otherwise make it require more and more fragments exponentially as we expand. Like, 10, 50, 250, 1250...


no poll , + that already exists it's called medals get enough of them you get an expansion
there is also diamond expansions
You must be quite a new player?
We all have been long in state that there is NO diamond-expansions to buy, and NO medal-expansions to buy.
And medals -those we have plenty unless dumped extras to the guild treasury


You must be quite a new player?
We all have been long in state that there is NO diamond-expansions to buy, and NO medal-expansions to buy.
And medals -those we have plenty unless dumped extras to the guild treasury
i'm in VF in my main world still have both been playing for years


Imagine you have 100 expansions and you have them with the most efficients event buildings of your choise. You will ask then for more expansions. Imagine you get what you want, another 100 expansions! And months later you have 200 expansions filled up with event buildings of your choise and then what? More expansions again? . . . People should stop asking for more expansions and should learn how to reorganize their cities because 95% of the cities in all servers are terrible organized!


And what about untying the purchase of extensions for diamonds from the epochs?
how about for every month you camp in an era you lose one expansion :D

if you want diamond expansion stop camping and advance to the last era
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