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Feedback [Feedback] Temple of Relics


I wouldn't mind seeing a second bonus for this GB been 1 of each good from IA to your current age to guild treasury. Could increase 1 good every 2 levels and then every 5 levels after level 10. But cant see a second bonus ever been added tho. pity

I agree, it need a second bonus as it has way to large footprint o have only 1.

Yes, one of each from current on down is a bit overpowered but maybe 1/2 the Obs output of previous Age goods could work.

A second bonus is not necessary. It may be 'large' at 6x6, but this GB provides access to something entirely new (remember, you do not receive relics at all without having this built) and that something looks to be very rewarding as-is. Repeat, this GB does not need a second bonus. If what it provides is not valuable to you, simply do not build it. :)

I for one am counting down the hours until I can finally get this thing built in my main city on the live servers. Relics are awesome!


nice GB

at level 65
31% chance to find a relic
15.83% of them are rare

that are (on average)
14.88 relics per week
2.36 of them are rare

good reason to get that temple very high fast on live servers :D


If what it provides is not valuable to you, simply do not build it. :)
that is the point exactly -- it provides valuable prizes to an individual .... GE should be about the guild ;)
So having an additional bonus supporting the guild would be in the spirit of the GE.

Most leaders face one crucial problem with GE -- that is the goods from previous era. No matter how good is the guild working on leveling Obs/Atom/Arc those who reach the top era are not really contributing with these building to the GE related costs in the treasury. As guilds age they become Arctic heavy and that means a constant reminding and begging for FE goods. I understand that it was envisioned for the guild to work together but there is the reality when not everybody is contributing equally (not just as they do not care but often as RL interferes, or just forget).

Leading guilds is a job. Many do not recognize it and think that things just happens -yeah we just reached level 48 by shear luck ;) oh, well not, not really. It is not a complaint, mind it, as I like to do it but would be nice if Inno would consider sometimes this aspect of the game and making the leaders life bit easier and more worry free ;). If somebody builds ToR that means the person wants to play GE and all 3 difficulty levels of it. So why not give these temples an additional bonus for the treasury of the previous era goods? And it doesn't have to be overpowering either can be 1 of each for example to start with.

and PS. I do like it and will build it right away, even though this week my level 4 ToR gave only 6 BPs (3x2 common prizes)


that is the point exactly -- it provides valuable prizes to an individual .... GE should be about the guild ;)
So having an additional bonus supporting the guild would be in the spirit of the GE.

As Inno stated in their announcement of this GB, they agree that GE is supposed to be about the guild and not the individual. This release seemed a bit tongue-in-cheek, if you read the opening paragraph of the announcement carefully. This GB is designed to provide personal rewards in order to motivate more people to play through GE, and the bonus is great enough by itself. Zeus and Cape Canaveral each only provide one bonus as well, and the world seems all well and good with it staying that way. People always want more, even when what they're given is plenty. :(


I suggest as 2nd bonus: +1 attempt every level

would it hurt the average player when the bad players get one attempt for every level of the Temple ?

good players don't have an advantage from it: they need much less attempts than they have
but the below average player may needs more attempts than he has

so the average player shouts out loud and say: no don't let them finish the GE
I am average but I can do it until the GE ends and those players are worse than average they don't deserve to finish the GE

Zeus and Cape Canaveral each only provide one bonus as well
Zeus is too small for a 2nd bonus
compare it with Aachen. it has the same bonus plus a few coins but it is much much bigger.
I bet all who have it would also have it if it wouldn't have that 2nd bonus

and if the Cape would have a 2nd bonus the first would be equal to Castel, Hagia and InnoTower: 6 FP for 10 levels
and players actually prefer one big good bonus instead of that good bonus being lower but having a 2nd average bonus (like happiness or population)
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First week: without the Temple (% chance unknown) got 5 relics
Second week: with Temple at level 3 (12%) got 3 relics
This week: with Temple at level 5 (14%) got 1 relic (found at the 42th fight)

my trend is really weird: the higher my Temple is, the worse its results are :confused::confused::confused:
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16 relics total. was looking good at lvl 1 getting 8 there then just 4 in each of lvl 2 and 3

common 5 surrogates
uncommon 200 goods
uncommon watchfire
common 25 goods
uncommon 100 forge points
common 25 goods
uncommon watchfire
common 5 recon

common 25 goods
uncommon 10 rogues
rare oasis
common 25 goods

common flower arbor
common 5 surrogates
common 25 goods
common 5 recon
And this week?


So what are the prizes & percentages in the last chest now? Just recently jumped Ages here and haven't finished GE lately.

20% 100 Diamonds
5% Premium production building
5% Shrine of Inspiration
65% Double Temple Relics BPs
5% Premium culture building

..and as one might expect this week I won 2 Temple BP (duplicate, btw) or in other words this week I got nothing on the last chest of GE, funny isnt it? :D
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my trend is really weird: the higher my Temple is, the worse its results are :confused:

Aren't a lot of people finding the same thing? It sure seems like our dear devs have "adjusted" the relic rate since the first week of ToRs. Now that I've finally got my final BP and built the thing, the rate's dropped *way* down, compared to what friends and guildmates were finding the first week. Since I built mine a few days ago, I've finished expedition levels 1 & 2 and am working on level 3, and I've found a grand total of one (1) relic.

Our dear devs need to nudge the rate up a little higher than that if people are supposed to want to built ToRs.
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I don't know what the reality is, but whith a level 14 temple I have had very few relics this week, when I had far more last week. :oops:


Aren't a lot of people finding the same thing? It sure seems like our dear devs have "adjusted" the relic rate since the first week of ToRs. Now that I've finally got my final BP and built the thing, the rate's dropped *way* down, compared to what friends and guildmates were finding the first week. Since I built mine a few days ago, I've finished expedition levels 1 & 2 and am working on level 3, and I've found a grand total of one (1) relic.

Our dear devs need to nudge the rate up a little higher than that if people are supposed to want to built ToRs.

I feel that Temple of Relics is getting the same interest as the Space Needle and the drummer got when both were released :p


Just finished this weeks GE with a Temple level 6 (14,5% spawn rate).
My result: 1 Relic (common - 25 of one Good)

That´s just less than 2,1% spawn rate. I´ll be following this closely over the next couple of weeks.

11 Relics found this week (ToR level 7/8).
8 common, 3 uncommon.

That´s a total of 12 Relics on 96 encounters, giving a spawn-rate of 12,5%.


I feel that Temple of Relics is getting the same interest as the Space Needle and the drummer got when both were released :p

Well, readjustments can still be made. By the time I'd finished level 3 I'd found a grand total of 2 (two) relics on the entire expedition, which is definitely not enough to warrant the space the ToR takes up. They need to nudge the relic rate back up if they want people to build it - maybe not *quite* as high as it was the first week or two, but definitely higher than this.


but that is how randomness works
one (or two) weeks you get more than you should
and then there is one week where you get too less

if people don't like randomness maybe they make the idea of changing how the bonus works:
not random but every x expedition

level 1: after 8
level 2: after 7.8
level 3: after 7.6

and it always will be rounded
7.6 for example:
first relic after 8 (7.6 --> 8)
2nd relic: after 15 (7.6+7.6=15.2 --> 15)
now you change the level of your GB and the value is 7.2
15.2 (last value) + 7.2 = 22.4 that will be rounded and you get your next relic after your 22nd expedition

(values are selected random and when you post it as idea you should adjust them to the current amount of relics you would get)
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