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Feedback Fall Event 2023

Last quest does not load, not even after reloading the game. Same issue as Wildlife event had in normal worlds and which caused event extension for one day.


Big facepalm at that, Same age does NOT mean higher, unless there's some sort of different meaning in Germany...
even Juber thought like the players
higher = NOT current age

They are Blueprints from higher ages, just as the name indicates. You have a chance to gain Blueprints from all ages above your own.
If it would only be from the next age, it would be "Next Age" (just like with the unit for the Cider Garden).

With chance I mean it is random which blueprints you get from higher ages. If you are in Space Age Venus for example you have a chance of 25% for every great building (AI Core, Centaurus, Pegasus, Hydra).


@Juber, Already last quest not available today, and one forum game related with fall event 'dessert sudoku' where the winners will receive some amount of 'sack of flours' as a reward. Very tight schedule for winners to finish them before the event ends (which is nearly 24hrs time left). Is this to be handled like this with very short time for whoever may be the winners? Or Will the rewards will be converted into :diamonds:?


I have bought for many diamonds spoons and sacks of flour. now I need only a few cups for getting my golden upgrade building. If I will not reach that, my diamonds have been for trash :(


Buna ziua! Am reușit să fac clădirea doar la nivelul 9 (cu toate îmbunătățirile din misiunea principală). Oricare ar fi strategia pe care am aplicat-o, am reusit sa adun doar 330 de cani, poate 340 cu lingurile care vor fi generate in cursul zilei de astazi, ceea ce inseamna ca nu am cladirea de nivel argintiu, desi am investit si in pachetele de 10 linguri de doua ori. Nu cred ca este ok acest aspect, sa nu poti realiza cladirea macar la nivel de argint daca nu aur in urma unei investitii.
Ce ar fi trebuit să fac pentru a obține și eu aurul?
Cate cani ai luat? La ce nivel construiești evenimentul?