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Feedback Daily Changelog w/c 15th January


Community Manager
Please leave any feedback for this week's daily changelogs here.
You can find all the details here.

Please report any bugs in our bug section here.


  • :fpboost: The Forge Point boost was not applied to some buildings providing Forge Points as a random production. The core issue has been fixed, however some more adjustments might be required for it to take effect in the game. We will inform you, when we do further changes.
Does this mean, the forge point boost now works for the Aegon Resort?


Spoiler Poster
in Regards to the scrolling production texts:
Please separate the amounts from the reward name - so the amounts are always visible.

It is annoying to have to wait 10 seconds to verify how many fragments a building gives when it was missed the first time - also it simply is not visible long enough, before the scrolling starts...


Hooray and finally! This is a bona fide gift...

:Thumbsup: :Thumbsup: :Thumbsup: :Thumbsup: :Thumbsup:
  • Just as released recently for the app, the browser now also displays reward names, that are too long for a building tooltip with an auto scroller.


just found out:
that I can't collect the aegean resort anymore when it produces FP and I already have 100+ FP in my bar


The scrolling animation seems to be a set length of time.

In case of different length names that is really weird, as they move at different speeds.

The Autumn Vineyard is a good example if you want to check it out.

I think it would be better to have a set speed for the scrolling.