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Create the missing Perks!

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Community Manager

I, Frosty the Snowman, am in urgent need of your help! While exploring the waterfall archipelago with my guild mates, I came upon some ancient scrolls. Closer inspection of these scrolls led to a stunning revelation!

It seems like we can donate some of our resources every day to initiate an ancient ritual called, ‘Guild Perks’, one that bestows a blessing on certain actions. However, with each boon also comes a curse!

Yet, that was not all we found! After sampling different ‘Guild Perks’, and trying out their effects, we uncovered some empty scrolls. Is it possible, that we should also write something? But what?

Welcome to our new forum contest: Create the missing Perks!

As you just read, Frosty and his friends require your help to think of some new Guild Perks! Do you want to help them? If yes, there maybe some lucrative rewards in your future!

The ruuules are simple:
  • The Contest begins today on the 26th of November and ends on the 5th of December at 23:59 Server time.
    • After it ends, you have three additional days to like your favorite Perks.
  • All posts will be visible from the beginning. This means, you can have a look at other players ideas and get some inspiration.
    • If we notice, that a post is a copy of a previous one (or almost the same) the duplicate will not be considered for the reward.
  • Only make one post per Guild Perk idea.
  • You can create a maximum of 10 posts.
  • Perk rules:
    • Every one needs a name. Be creative and use the current list of available Guild Perks for inspiration!
    • They also must contain at least one positive effect and can have a maximum of 4 total effects.
      • This means, that your Perk can have a maximum of 3 negative effects, because it has to have at least one positive one.
    • Each Perk always has 3 levels. The effects should increase with each level. You don't have to add values for every level.
    • Think about balancing: The Perk should not be way too strong or way too weak.
      • Perks, that give effects like '+1500% Attack boost', '100 shrines of knowledge every day' and '0.01% chance to receive a good after negotiations' are not good choices.
    • Effects can be whatever you can think of, they can be already existing ones (like a coin boost) or totally new ones! Be creative!
  • You can like the posts from other players.
    • Please use the like function in the forum for the post.
    • You can like as many posts you want.
    • The post with the most likes will get the reward for P1, the second most likes P2 and so on.
    • If your ideas get multiple positions, you get both rewards. For example, you can get the reward for P1 and for P4 together.
  • Everyone can participate (even team members, but they will not get a reward).
1). Perk name: Fearful Fighter
Effect 1: + Defense boost for your attacking army (positive)
Effect 2: - Attack boost for your attacking army (negative)
Effect 3 (only available at level 3): retreating from neighborhood fights grants five goods of your era (positive)

2). Name: Aging like a boss
Level 1: Research costs 10% less FPs (positive), Research costs 5% more resources (negative)
Level 2: Research costs 15% less FPs (positive), +25% coin collection (positive), Research costs 8% more resources (negative)
Level 3: Research costs 25% less FPs (positive), +50% coin collection (positive), Research costs 10% more resources (negative)

What you can win:

1st Place500 Guild Goods of your era, 500 Diamonds, Custom Forum Title: Perk Creator
2nd Place250 Guild Goods of your era, 250 Diamonds, Custom Forum Title: Perk Creator
3rd Place100 Guild Goods of your era, 100 Diamonds, Custom Forum Title: Perk Creator
4th & 5th Place200 Diamonds each, Custom Forum Title: Perk Creator

In addition, we will also forward the perks and number of likes to the developers. So, every perk will have a chance to get implemented into the game!

So, what are you waiting for? Propose a new Guild Perk today!

Note: Please note, that we can't guarantee, that your Perk ideas will get considered or implemented soon.
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Perk Creator
Perk Name: Colonial Efficiency
Level 1: +3% x4 goods chance in settlements, +10% settlement construction cost
Level 2: +6% x4 goods chance in settlements, +20% settlement construction cost
Level 3: +9% x4 goods chance in settlements, +30% settlement construction cost

This should substantially speed up settlement run times - but especially for settlements with road costs, the additional construction costs may add additional challenge.

Deleted User - 57457

1.) Sabotage expert
+Hostile SC -25% chance of no attrition
- You're guild can't build SC's themselves

+Hostile SC -50% chance of no attrition
- You're guild can't build SC's themselves

+Hostile SC -75%* chance of no attrition
-You're guild can't build SC's themselves

* a SC would normally give 24% chance, with this buff it's effectively reduced to: 24 x 0,25 = 6%/sc. So, if an guild
is besieging a province under control of guild with the benefit using 6 siege camps, it's just 6% x 6 =36%. This benefit
can be helpful to slowing down invading guilds for you're guild but in exchange denying the guild acces to SC themselves.
This will create real guild dilemma's and strategical discussions within. Which I think is the exact philosophy of guild
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Deleted User - 57457

2.) Tactical conquest

+ 1h protection conquered GbG provinces
- Invading guilds won't suffer attrition for the first 2% advances in you're guild's provinces

+ 1,5h protection conquered GbG provinces
- Invading guilds won't suffer attrition for the first 5% advances in you're guild's provinces

+ 2h protection conquered GbG provinces
- Invading guilds won't suffer attrition for the first 8% advances in you're guild's provinces
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Deleted User - 57457

3.) Defence genius

+ GvG defensive boost cap is raised from 75% to 400%
- GvG costs +60%

+ GvG defensive boost cap is raised from 75% to 800%
- GvG costs 80%

+ GvG defensive boost cap is raised from 75% to 1.200%
- GvG costs +100%
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Deleted User - 57457

4.) Fanatic Attacker
+ Offensive benefits: +100% att/def attacking armies
-50% att/def defending armies buff*

+ Offensive benefits: +150% att/def attacking armies
-75% att/def defending armies buff

+ Offensive benefits: +200% att/def attacking armies
-100% att/def defending armies buff

*for example: without this perk you're defensive bonuses are
130% att/def
With the various levels it'll be:
130% x 0,5 (-50%) = 65% att/def
130% x 0,25 (-75%) = 33% att/def
130% x 0 (-100%) = 0% att/def
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Deleted User - 57457

5.) Charming diplomat
+50% chance to get +1 additional negotiation turn (GbG, GE, quests and settlements) after the first round (pay&negotiate)
-40% att/def attacking armies

+75% chance to get +1 additional negotiation turn (GbG, GE, quests and settlements) after the first round (pay&negotiate)
-60% att/def attacking armies

+1 additional negotiation turn (GbG, GE, quests and settlements)
-80% att/def attacking armies
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Deleted User - 57457

6.) Vampiric Tacticus
+ 50% of hostile GbG buildings' buffs in adjacent provinces are also granted to you're guild members**
- The guild can't build any offensive or defensive GbG building
- Not compatible with sabotage expert perk

+ 75% hostile GbG buildings' buffs in adjacent provinces are also granted to you're guild members**
- The guild can't build any offensive or defensive GbG building
- Not compatible with sabotage expert perk

+ Hostile GbG buildings' buffs in adjacent provinces are also granted to you're guild members**
- The guild can't build any offensive or defensive GbG building
- Not compatible with sabotage expert perk

**When invading an province with 3x SC granting the following benefits under the various lvls of this perk:
24% x 0,5 (50%) = 12% x 3 (3 SC's) = 36% of no attrition
24% x 0,75 (75%) = 18% x 3 (3 SC's) = 54% of no attrition
24% x 1 (100%) = 24% x 3=72% chance of no attrition
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Deleted User - 57457

7.) Siege guild
+ SC costs 20% less
- For the first 10% advances in you're provinces, the attackers won't suffer attrition

+ SC costs 40% less
- For the first 15% advances in you're provinces, the attackers won't suffer attrition

+ SC costs 75% less
- For the first 20% advances in you're provinces, the attackers won't suffer attrition
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Deleted User - 57457

8.) Security expert
+50% chance that enemies gain +1 attrition while advancing in you're provinces, regardless of other buffs
- The guild can't benefit from any attrition reducing buffs (e.g. siege camps can't be build, perks that offer attrition reduction ain't compatible with this perk)

+75% chance that enemies gain +1 attrition while advancing in you're provinces, regardless of other buffs
- The guild can't benefit from any attrition reducing buffs (e.g. siege camps can't be build, perks that offer attrition reduction ain't compatible with this perk)

+ When enemies advancing in you're provinces, their attrition gains +1 regardless of other buffs
- The guild can't benefit from any attrition reducing buffs (e.g. siege camps can't be build, perks that offer attrition reduction ain't compatible with this perk)
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Deleted User - 57457

9.) King Midas' legacy

+50% rewards of any source (quests, GE rewards, random GbG rewards, GbG participation rewards, event rewards excluding event currency but including Callander rewards, PvP arena rewards, PvP tower rewards)
+ All activated perks are lasting for an additional 242h
- All player costs are increased by 10%
- All guild's costs are increased by 25%*

+ 75% rewards of any source (quests, GE rewards, random GbG rewards, GbG participation rewards, event rewards excluding event currency but including Callander rewards, PvP arena rewards, PvP tower rewards)
+ All activated perks are lasting for an additional 484h
- All player costs are increased by 20%
- All guild's costs are increased by 50%

+100% rewards of any source (quests, GE rewards, random GbG rewards, GbG participation rewards, event rewards excluding event currency but including Callander rewards, PvP arena rewards, PvP tower rewards)
+ All activated perks are lasting for an additional 728h
- All player costs are increased by 30%
- All guild's costs are increased by 75%

*Building costs, goods productions, unit recruitments, etc
** costs for GbG buildings, GvG costs, GE lvls, activating perks (not to confuse with the points needed to unlock perks lvls, the needed guild goods to activate the perks when the lvl has been reached)
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Community Manager
Name: What the Forge?
Level 1:
+1000% coin collection with 1 charge every day
+ doubles your armys defense for Guild Expeditions
- You don't get the Forge-Point every hour
- 50% attack for your attacking army (to a minimum of 0% boost) in Guild Battlegrounds

Level 2:
+1000% coin collection with 2 charges every day
+ triples your armys defense for Guild Expeditions
- You don't get the Forge-Point every hour
- 25% attack for your attacking army (to a minimum of 0% boost) in Guild Battlegrounds

Level 3:
+2000% coin collection with 2 charges every day
+ doubles your armys attack and defense for Guild Expeditions
+ avatar from a jester (if not already owned)

Deleted User - 241425

Title : Expedition solidarity
Condition: X points per successful encounter in EG by each guild member
Guild perks must be related to interactions between members of the same guild.

Level 1 :
+ Possibility of level 64 a second time to compensate for a level of an absent or blocked member.
- one emissary inactive for the remainder of the EG.

Level 2 :
+ Possibility to do level 64 three times to compensate for two levels of an absent or blocked member.
- two emissaries inactive for the remainder of the EG.

Level 3 :
+ Possibility of level 64 four times to compensate for three levels of an absent or blocked member.
- three emissaries inactive for the remainder of the EG.
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Deleted User - 241425

Title: inequitable trade
Condition: X points per resource of a higher age given to the treasury.
The players in Venus not being able to help in this case, they will have to give goods to the smallest of the guild who in their turn will have to give to the treasury.
This is what I call guild work that supports guild perks.

Level 1 :
+ 5% from not increasing attrition in CBG (cumulative with siege camps)
- 10% attack for your attacking army (to a minimum of 0% boost) in Guild Battlegrounds

Level 2 :
+ 8% from not increasing attrition in CBG (cumulative with siege camps)
- 20% attack for your attacking army (to a minimum of 0% boost) in Guild Battlegrounds

Level 3:
+ 10% from not increasing attrition in CBG (cumulative with siege camps)
- 30% attack for your attacking army (to a minimum of 0% boost) in Guild Battlegrounds
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Deleted User - 241425

Title: I like you
Condition: X points per motivation of guild members only
Guild perks must be related to interactions between members of the same guild.

Level 1 :
+ 5% boost to town hall earnings
- 10% merchandise production boost

Level 2 :
+ 10% boost to town hall earnings
- 20% merchandise production boost

Level 3:
+ 20% boost to town hall earnings
- 40% merchandise production boost
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Perk name: Lucky Fighter
Effect 1: +25% (L2:+50%, L3:+75%) chance to get enemy SCs (any building) when taking sector in GBG
Effect 2: -50% coin production in all guild members (L2: -75%, L3: -100%)
Effect 3: - 50% supply production (-75%, -100%)


Perk name: Guild Alchemist
L1, Effect 1 (only positive on l1): when guild member collect goods from city, 25% of those goods are mutated into treasury goods based on lowest number of treasury goods
(if I am in SAV and collect 1000 goods per day from city buildings, then guild treasury get 250 goods of specific age and specific type that are lowest in guild treasury on moment of collection (or per day recalc), for example: guild get 250 silk)
L2: eff1: 50% goods are mutated, but (eff2) guild also loose same number of guild most numbered goods (+500 silk, but -500 sav microgreen)
L3: 75% to guild, minus half of that number from treasury (+750 silk, -375 microgreen)


Perk name: Friendly guild
L1: When activated, guild member get 100% chance to get 1fp from aiding another guild member. But -1% to each guild member attack for attacking army
(79fp total per day at max this days is not that much, especially considering gbg and how much you want people to pay to activate those perks. And -1% attack is not that big a deal)
L2: 2fp (max 79x2=158fp, again, considering costs of those perks), -5% attack for attacking army
L3: 5fp (max 79x5=395fp), -25% (a lot, but maybe some will be ok to pay to help lower members) attack for attacking army
also maybe it will be possible to consider not fix % penalty on military, but relevant (like let say it is 10% penalty, if member have 200% attack bonus, he will get 10% penalty on that and end up with 180% attack, if member have 2000% attack = he will end up with 1800%)


Community Manager
Name: A Present for you
Level 1:
+ every guild member (except Leaders) gets 20 Forge Points every day
+ every guild member (except Leaders) gets 10 of each good of their era every day
- Guild Leaders produce 10% less forge points (except great buildings)
- Guild Leaders produce 10% less goods (except great buildings)

Level 2:
+ every guild member (except Leaders) gets 35 Forge Points every day
+ every guild member (except Leaders) gets 20 of each good of their era every day
- Guild Leaders produce 10% less forge points (except great buildings)
- Guild Leaders produce 10% less goods (except great buildings)

Level 3:
+ every guild member (except Leaders) gets 50 Forge Points every day
+ every guild member (except Leaders) gets 25 of each good of their era
- Guild Leaders produce 10% less forge points (except great buildings)
- Guild Leaders produce 10% less goods (except great buildings)
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