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Discussion Change the League divisions in GB tournaments


leaving a gap between the leagues, gives a real challenge.
tightening the scores does not favor those who make the effort to invest in GBG
laisser un écart entre les ligues ,donne un vrai challenge.
serrer les scores ne favorise pas ceux qui font l effort d investir dans la GBG.
Gaps between Leagues must fixed, minor correction.
Number of guilds in each League will change overtime, if fixing the gaps leads to start a season with 8 or 16 guilds minimum in each one much better.


why don't we get REAL leagues ?
a fix amount moves up. a fix amount moves down

and there is ONE uranium league at the top (Champions League)
last 4 goes down

below that TWO "2nd" leagues
top 2 of each move up to uranium
and depending how many leagues below x move down

and so on
a number of 3rd leagues,
4th leagues and so on
It'd help if there were less guilds per map and more leauges. That way it's more random because it's less likely the same say 4 guilds out of 20 were on the same map, given that the leauge placement is truly random. 8/20 = 3 leauges which means there's a 1/3 chance you're with one the same guild, or 4/20 = 1/5 chance if there are less guilds per leauge and more leauges. But really, it doesn't seem random at all because in two worlds I've been on the same map with the same guilds for 3+ months with maybe one guild different. Why even have so many guilds on a map anyway, server costs?? Just leave the free for all on gvg.

We don't have these problems with GE because theres a ton more pool (all guilds on all worlds). Also no leauges, but that's just an effect of more pool.


Perk Creator
What could be fun, as soon as there is more diversity in the distribution of guilds, is the incognito!
Do not have information on the guilds present at our GBG. Neither the name nor the number of members.
This will restart discussions between guilds to possibly develop common strategies on the same GBG.

Owl II

Yes, but this point had escaped my translation.
The matchmaking of rivals with 1000 LP is made by the guild ID now.
This is something that the community has been discussing for a month or two. To be honest, it's so stupid I didn't believe it could be true. So I sat and did the math. I don't even know how to feel about it. On the one hand, we can manage it. On the other hand, it looks like a scam. After all, we were promised a fair matchmaking in groups.


Perk Creator
on the FR forum it was said by our CM:
First, current matchmaking is first based on league point total and then based on guild ID. As guilds typically change league points between each season, this allows for a smooth matchmaking system (with good randomization) that pits guilds against many different opponents over time.

However, within the Diamond League, some guilds maintain a total of 1000 League Points for multiple seasons, resulting in a situation where the guilds are matched only on the basis of Guild ID. This has resulted in results where many guilds have the experience of finding themselves against similar opponents in different seasons.

We understand that this issue is a source of frustration, so we have passed it on to our team of developers, who are investigating and looking to fix it as soon as possible.

But while we look into these concerns and do what we can, to properly meet your expectations, we cannot provide you with a specific date in regards to when a change is to be implemented (as we have yet to investigate. of the problem).

However, what we can say is that we have taken the matter seriously and will be sure to announce the changes as they occur.

In the meantime, we would also be interested in your comments and suggestions on how best to improve Guild Battlegrounds.


Sorting of the guilds with same LPs by guild ID is ridiculous. Would make more sense to sort by guild size then - some complain how their guilds get weak opponents and since almost all top GBG guilds have 70-80 members they will be placed together for a nice fight...

To have them actually fight instead of farming then cap SCs so that their benefits stack up to maximum of 72% chance for no attrition (up to 3 SCs).

Or even if you make guild sorting absolutely random for guilds with same LPs would have more sense...

This is silly, as it can be so easily exploited. You know your opponents in advance before GBG even started, so when this guilds see they will have a weak group, they send some of their members to allied guilds to maximise farming. When they see their enemy will appear then they pull their members back. Which is already happening for a while.

I am surprised this kind of oversight has been made by the devs. This is very bad and open to abuse, almost like it was meant to be allowed?

Big Baloney

don't mess up the match fixing and farming fps/goods/and stuff, don't change it Inno let us keep farming and grown against those players that not go to a dominate guild in GBG lol


(1 : + 175 // 2 : + 125 // 3 : + 75 // 4 : +25 // 5 : -25 // 6 : - 75 // 6 : - 125 // 6 : - 175) does not work as it is not zero sum. My main world has 52 guilds in D. 2800 of the 6K players.

Imagine if 46% of all chess players were rated as grand masters. It is what we have in FOE More leagues is great but without a zero sum system nothing gets fixed


Perk Creator
The system set up initially and never changed made it possible to "distribute" the guilds in the leagues with an ease of going up to diamond.
Now that the guilds are more or less well distributed, we must think of a system to assign the guilds in a league of their capacity.
To keep a system that only allows you to climb, by integrating ghost guilds, by integrating micro-guilds that distort the numbers, we cannot obtain a stable system which generates a majority of current problems.


True DEADPOOL That with guilds doing co-ops. Suggestions to reduce the damage should be smaller diamond leagues (5-6 guilds) with modified ranking points maybe with the bottom 2-3 moving to platinum even at the 1K level. Since players like the rewards maybe increasing platinum's FP reward to counter the loss of their diamond status.


Perk Creator
If the Beta version is used to test the game, why the developers do not test the various proposals already made?
- limit the attrition bonus to 3 seats (72%)
- creation of a Crystal league (only the first would stay in this league)
- reduce the points won and lost during the final ranking

It would show a lot of intelligence to recognize and test that certain ideas of the players can bring a breath of fresh air to our favorite game.


Perk Creator
@DEADP00L for the Chrystal league they even could just using the diamond league like it. By
simple reworking earned LP. Although an entirely new league would be great to see.


Perk Creator
What I'm most afraid of is that they will do like with GvG.
A superb find that they were slow to bring up to date and which has been abandoned by the majority of players.
I like the new things they do for us but I would prefer them to improve the existing ones instead of always adding new ones, sometimes wobbly.


Perk Creator
I feel the same, the more they add now the more they harm. The game in its current state
is already very complex and easily overwhelming for new players to learn. That
been said, improving GvG and GbG would greatly enhance the multi player parts.
Improving GE would be great for the weekly stuff to do for the individual player.
Improvements on settlements with new additions also helping out enormously in my
On topic I strongly feel the same. They would be better off investing in what we already have.
Giving GbG an ever shifting champions league for top guilds and investing siege camps would
in my opinion a good thing. Rather trying to coming up with new stuff. As we see and no
offence for those we get spoiled and expect that everything new brings game changers.
Like with the space ages while ignoring that until the space ages no major changes in
gameplay mechanics exist.
The above is just an example of the feedback loop creating the expectation of new stuff to
be added rather than enjoying what exist and improving on it where possible.