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Cannot Reproduce: army placement in gvg


Reproduction Steps:
1. open gvg map
2. place or replace army in own sector
3. game crashes , have to reload

Issue Description (10/10):

Please include the following information:
- What you were expecting to happen , replace army in gvg
- What actually happened , game crashed , had to reload game
- Visual reference if available , no

Player: nicbo (53438)
World: zz1
Operating System: windows 8
Browser Version: chrome/39.0.2171.99
Viewport Size: 1366x667

I have performed a quicksearch of the forums using a select few keywords relating to my bug to see if it has already been reported: Yes/No , yes

name and world for rewards -- nicbo zz1
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Amy Steele

Hi nicbo,

I have been unable to reproduce this issue. Has it happened again since or was this just a one-off occurrence?