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Duplicate: Agents turning into railguns unable to attack hidden units


Reproduction Steps:
In a combat, have the first moving agent attacked by an enemy unit (only at the very start of the battle) - before any other unit in your army has moved. There should be hidden units at range.
example: 1 railgun+7 agents vs hoovertanks - if tanks manage to get in range on the first move will target the first moving agent. That agent will turn into railgun and will not be able to attack.
Issue Description (10/10):
That agent, when turned into railgun, will not be able to attack hidden units that turn (possible next turns). All other agents will be able to attack this way - only the first moving agent can't if attacked before the start of his turn.
Happens on live server

Player: vircit
World: es1
Operating System: win10
Browser Version: Chrome/51.0.2704.103
Viewport Size: 1280x923

I have performed a quicksearch of the forums using a select few keywords relating to my bug to see if it has already been reported: railgun, agent