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Will Not Fix: [25841] Clicks bleeding through


I've noticed this issue several times under various conditions but could never figure out how to reproduce it before in order to report it, now it's shown itself reproducable, here it is:

in en6, after a clean refresh, without doing anything else if I click the hood/friends/etc ">>" button, the click event bleeds through the button and into the building underneath it:


note that the slider does move 5 places to the right, and the goods dialogue pops up (the click action gets to both functions)

If I do something - anything - else , ie. move my city terrain a bit or anything really, then this bleed-through immediately stops

I have previously noticed this same issue occur with the in-game announcements (by inno) that pop up, whenever I click the [x] button in those, nine times out of ten a building is under it and that building gets clicked.
I have also seen this same bleed-through happen when visiting neighbours (i.e. when I click the motivate button, it also at the same time motivates the building directly under the motivate button).
However I cannot consistently reproduce those last two issues. But I can the one I am reporting here -- just look at my en6 city, load the game, click the arrows et voila.


I have also seen clicks building through when selling a building. It doesn't happen always, but from time to time I start wondering why half of the city is suddenly unconnected.
1.) Select a building you want to sell (and make sure you have selected the right building by reading the text on the dialog that appears now)
2.) on the dialog click the "OK" button
Sometimes the building underneath the OK button gets selected too - in this case with the "sell" option, resulting in
a.) immediately selling a road (if the building underneath the button is a road)
b.) a second dialog for the building underneath the OK button popping up, saying "do you want to sell this building?"

Preventative action: Before selling scroll/move the city in a way to make sure that no building will be there under the "do you want to sell this?"-dialog when you attempt to sell a building - and read all dialogs carefully, the building underneath the OK button might be a GB.

How often this happens: sometimes

These bleeding clicks happened to me both on the beta and on the .de server, but I am not sure if they still keep happening with 1.36 or 1.37:
1.37.26759 (09.10.2014 11:22), Andi47 (73349), zz1, en_US, WIN 15,0,0,152, Windows 7, Firefox/32.0, 1920x917, DirectX9 (336 MB VRAM)
1.36.26680 (07.10.2014 9:11), Andi47 (868769), de8, de_DE, WIN 15,0,0,152, Windows 7, Firefox/32.0, 1920x917, DirectX9 (352 MB VRAM)


Yes, me. Happens 50% of the time I click the okay button on the event history and when selecting the tabs on the bottom social bar


This bug is still happening with me. Most noticeably in the beginning of my session (while everything is loading).


I've had this issue ever since hardware acceleration was no longer an optional feature, It happens real bad still in my A world. think its here to stay since we cant turn off the hardware acceleration feature.


Happened to me when using my smartphone as a wireless mouse (app: Touchpad).