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Feedback Soccer Event 2019

hmm ... those leagues must be the diamond fountains for Inno: only 8 hrs after the new league started there are players with 4+ goals (and that with a rather mediocre daily price)

arggg .. wrong thread sry :-(

EDIT: NormaJeane - 2019-05-18 - moved post to the right thread ;)
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"A new league round starts every 8 days. The top scoring players will be rewarded with extra special prizes! As the event will run for 32 days, this means there will be 4 chances to win big in the Leagues!"
This is the first time I see a vent that starts a new league every 8 days
Okay, so actual goals does not count but rather "how far" you've got. For example, league has reset... I had one normal throw + goal shot left before hitting the goal. I did it few hours after league reset and it still counts as zero goals in this week's league.

my 2 cents.. The league system this event is completely misleading. First off all, the amount of goals don't actually tell what league placement you will end up in. What determines your placement is how far you've come in total. That is not equal to how many goals you've scored, but rather how many yards you crossed on the field. And from league reset it starts over from 0 yards so the actual goals scored is completely irrelevant. This can also be reflected in the fact that bronze placement and silver placement , as well as silver and gold placement, sometimes share same amount of goals requirement.. because Inno is not comparing goals but yardages between the players. So the problem of this event is that Inno introduced a new league system while using an old system of measuring your progress that are not very compatible with each other. It might seem like a small thing, but I think that Inno needs to redefine how the progress will be showcased on the live servers. For example, not using goals as an actual measurement but yardages...
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can't play event on ipad/iphone.anymore.. worked in beginning.. when is that possible again?
you can play on your ipad/iphone in pc version with puffin...it hate the html5(it run slow) but with flashplayer the speed charging is very hight;at least,it eating more battery for use and required a good connection


hmm ... those leagues must be the diamond fountains for Inno: only 8 hrs after the new league started there are players with 4+ goals (and that with a rather mediocre daily price)

I believe when the leagues reset they start with Ameuteur requiring 1 goal, bronze - 2 goals, silver - 3 goals & gold - 4 goals.


It might seem like a small thing, but I think that Inno needs to redefine how the progress will be showcased on the live servers. For example, not using goals as an actual measurement but yardages...

From todays changelog: "
  • Changed the way event Leagues work. Today will be the start of the second league. With this league you will see the energy drink icon in the league window, but leagues will still be determined by goals just as they have been. With the start of the third league, only energy drink will be counted towards progress, and not goals anymore"
Though I still see the goal icon in the league window, not sure if the update happened


From todays changelog: "
  • Changed the way event Leagues work. Today will be the start of the second league. With this league you will see the energy drink icon in the league window, but leagues will still be determined by goals just as they have been. With the start of the third league, only energy drink will be counted towards progress, and not goals anymore"
Though I still see the goal icon in the league window, not sure if the update happened
We are in the second week, were it is determined by goals. In the third week it will be energy drinks!


Yes we all are now back with 0 goals and in the Hobby League. That is what was supposed to happen otherwise the same players could still be in Gold, Silver and Bronze without doing much. The Prizes given for scoring a goal have not been reset, but the rest has.
I do have concerns with using energy drinks to decide who is in what league. As it means we will only select gold players as they are all over 130 drinks and with a chance to collect 750 energy drinks just as the league mechanics are changed. On top of getting 110 drinks for logging in and solving the daily quest. About 1 Goal with current mechanics.


I didn't waste any drinks after scoring the 4th goal as none had answered the question on whether or not the players are reset at their default positions after the league resets. While it's still Greek to me, I do not understand on how the league scoring system works when it comes to placement. It's safe to say that I will forego this 8-days' challenge and wait to see how the drink usage will be calculated for the next.


Just read this in the Support section of the game, and I am now confused as the Daily Prizes are changing at Midnight again.

"With the start of the Archaeology-Event, we have changed the behaviour of our daily prize to help all our players with being able to see every offer. Before, the daily prize would switch at midnight, which meant that the first offer and last offers were available for much less than 24 hours, which prevented some of our players from even seeing them.

Going forward, the daily prize will always change at the time the event originally started and will also end together with the Event to prevent this situation. We apologize for any confusion this change may have caused and hope that you'll enjoy this Event!"


Find the mistake :)


Being that we are The Olympians, and have come down from Mount Olympus to play with you mortals, we very much approve of this event and the altars chosen as rewards. The creators of FoE have made me very happy. Now my family does not have to listen to my complaints anymore about why there is a Statue of Zeus, and a statue of our great-grandmother Gaia but not one of me. ~ Hera ~


I had 1 pass left before scoring a goal, then the league reset, i scored the goal and i'm in hobby with 0 goals...o_O


I had 1 pass left before scoring a goal, then the league reset, i scored the goal and i'm in hobby with 0 goals...o_O

It's because it's not actually keeping track of goals scored but how many football fields you cross.