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Feedback Space Age Titan


oh wait: above level 10 it also needs coins o_O

imagine: one level would cost 10 million coins (+goods)
that is almost nothing to SA:Titan players
but iron age players would need month to collect that amount o_O


Perk Creator
oh wait: above level 10 it also needs coins o_O

imagine: one level would cost 10 million coins
that is almost nothing to SA:Titan players
but iron age players would need month to collect that amount o_O
10M Coins with a high enough level CF wouldn't be that bad for an iron age player. Not from the quest bonus, but just from collecting the CF itself - which around level 100 is about 1M a day.

But I mean it could be 100M at some point and that would be harder to approach as reasonable through existing GB bonuses I think.
10M Coins with a high enough level CF wouldn't be that bad for an iron age player. Not from the quest bonus, but just from collecting the CF itself - which around level 100 is about 1M a day.

But I mean it could be 100M at some point and that would be harder to approach as reasonable through existing GB bonuses I think.
10M coins, even 100M would be little for me on my main world. i alrd got 166G coins there, so that would last me a while. now, if level 100 would cost 10G coins, that might hurt, even a bit :p


Waiting ...

Also I expect few hundreds of millions of Coins needed and like half a million of goods from 0-100 to raise one of these gbs.


oh wait: above level 10 it also needs coins o_O

imagine: one level would cost 10 million coins (+goods)
that is almost nothing to SA:Titan players
but iron age players would need month to collect that amount o_O
10M Coins with a high enough level CF wouldn't be that bad for an iron age player. Not from the quest bonus, but just from collecting the CF itself - which around level 100 is about 1M a day.

But I mean it could be 100M at some point and that would be harder to approach as reasonable through existing GB bonuses I think.

The Titan C building at Lvl 19 is equivalent to a Zeus Lvl 100

So realistically even if they stop at lvl 10 they very likely will get more utility out of Titan CENTAURUS at the start of their city lifespan compared to trying to level up the Zeus to match the same output.

How long is it going to take a Iron Age player to level up Zeus to Lvl 60, 80, 100 or whatever the equivalent turns out to be?

The description does say:
Above level 10 they will require Space Age Titan goods and coins to upgrade.
Which will be very interesting to see if the initial building of it requires Coins as well, or just the usual Goods + Blueprints.

Edit: Just realised Titan C also provides Guild Goods. All the more reason to get a new player in your Guild a Titan C if it's reasonable in cost (for them) for the output of attack boost
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in the description of the announcement it says for hydra:

  • Attacking and Defending Army Attack and Defense Attack

should that not be:

  • Attacking and Defending Army Attack and Defense Boost


why are the new GB saying different needed FP on the two information sides
(my first posting with screenshots: 270 FP or 180 FP for the Pegasus and also the other 2 GB)