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Not A Bug: Zoo - which is right, which is wrong?


I have 2 zoos in my city, one had a conection with a 2 lane road and the other don't. I moved the one who was conected by a 2 lane road and then appears the icon of not conected. I checked the construction menu and now it shows in the requirements a 2 lane road where before was a single road. Anyway, the other zoo is not conected by a 2 lane road and nothing is shown when i conect the other. Does anything changed for this building or it's a bug?



I can't be too sure, but I'm going to say that they will always need a 2-lane connection from now on. I still believe PME values are not correct yet, so I can't guarantee anything yet

(For right now), this is not a bug since it has reached the live servers, so I'll set it as so. I am not saying it won't changed yet again in the future, but it's pretty guaranteed that they won't change something like this at this point
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