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Not A Bug: Wrong PvP Tower in two-waves battle

Reproduction Steps:
1. Select 2 units from different ages (ie, Recon Rider and Rail Gun) + 6 Rouge.
2. Start a two-waves battle.
3. In the first wave, lose your the unit from the highest age (ie, Recon Rider).
4. Start the second wave and win.
5. Look at PvP Towers: point from that battle is added to Future PvP tower and NOT to Arctic Future one.
Issue Description (10/10):
I start the battle with an Arctic Future unit, so I think that points from this battle will be added to Arctic Future PvP Tower.

1.84.e48e35f (12.09.2016 13:15), Pittacus Lore (657412), it2, it_IT, MAC 22,0,0,168, Mac OS 10.12.0, Firefox/48.0.2, 1440x724, OpenGL (336 MB VRAM)

I have performed a quicksearch of the forums using a select few keywords relating to my bug to see if it has already been reported: Yes.


It is this way since whenever I began to take care about PvP tower points.
With two wave battles, the first wave battle is completely ignored for any calculations other than 'which troops are still alive'.
All battle points from the first wave are immediately deducted again by a 'wave modifier' (see the points calculation popup after the first battle).

Points for the second wave are doubled then (see again the wave modifier) and credited to the according tower based on the troops starting in wave two.

While this might be seen as 'cheating by the game' as wave one would be giving a lot more points, it was declared on the german forums that this is not a bug/ flaw, but a 'game design decision'.