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Not A Bug: Wrong colors in Event History


Wrong color for rejected and accepted friends request in Event History

Reproduction Steps:
1. Invite a fellow player to your "Friends" list
2. Wait for him to either accept or reject your request
3. Check the Event History

Issue Description (10/10):
Status changes in the event history are color coded: a predominantly negative change like someone leaving your guild or being kicked from your guild displays in red (screenshot #1 and #2), and a positive change like someone joining your guild displays in green (screenshot #3).
This would also be expected for a friends request (screenshot #4): a friends request being accepted should display in green, one being rejected in red, not for both the same in blue.

01_Screenshot (294)_01.jpg
02_Screenshot (292)_02.jpg
03_Screenshot (293)_03.jpg
04_Screenshot (291)_04.jpg

Player: PrinceArthur
World: beta zz1
Operating System: Windows 8.1
Browser Version: Google Chrome Version 40.0.2214.115 m
Viewport Size: 1920x1080

I have performed a quicksearch of the forums using a select few keywords relating to my bug to see if it has already been reported: YES


The icons are working as intended, so this is not a bug. (You can leave feedback about it if you like :))