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Won't let me fight the player again. Why?


Basically I thought it would be funny to attack h0llygh0st, little did I know was that I won the fight! Now this is a guy who has been playing this for a week of so compared to me one day. That's right I won.

Sorry h0lly I couldn't resist..

But seriously it won't let me attack again. Instead of the attack button there it says '24h' which is not clickable.

Displayed in picture:


He said he is ready for round two but why won't it let us?
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This game is still in its testfase, so it prevents you from suiciding...

In all seriousness, its a timer. You need to wait 24 hours before committing suicide.


You could of told me that on skype instead of letting me post this.

I will make a suggestion then..

When you go to click it make a pop up to say you must wait a certain amount of time or have a mouse over countdown clock.


i told you on skype when you said you were going to post this....


[11:54:37 AM] Fordy/Sonic: I will ask on forums
[11:54:43 AM] h0llygh0st/MLC.: You has 2 spears
[11:54:44 AM] h0llygh0st/MLC.: Liar
[11:55:00 AM] Zarek Bean: u can only attack sum one once per 25hrs
[11:56:11 AM] Zarek Bean: my spearmen have multiple personality disorder
[11:56:19 AM] h0llygh0st/MLC.: I beat you
[11:56:20 AM] Zarek Bean: they think they r 7 ballista
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All I saw was '24h' how am I suppose to know what that means. Its not even the correct abbreviation for it, If they are going to keep it like that at least make it '24hr'.


I understand the confusion - when I attacked someone [by mistake] - I thought that it meant he was going to attack me in 24 hours - couldn't understand why he'd wait that long to return the attack - LOL


I would have thought it was totally obvious what the 24hr mean't -Espescially when it started counting down. Why would it mean another player was going to attack in 24 hours when attacks that you send are instant?


It doesn't say '24hr' it says '24h' if it did have the 'r' on the end I would of understood it.

Most people understand it, when it says 'h' and in fact, there is no standard for abbreviating an hour, we can use both.
And to be honest if you'd have understood 'hr', it is quite evident to also understand 'h'.