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Not A Bug: Winter Quest - tally error for FP contribution during a quest


World: zz1
Browser and Version: Firefox/21.0
Overview of the bug: Frosty gives quest to contribute 14 FP to GBs or researching
technology. Used 2 accumulated FP and 1 medium FP package
of 5 points. Frosty's counter still shows 0 contributed
Screenshots: yes
How often this occurs: every time since announcing quest
Urgency: I'd like to have the credit for the FP used.
Preventative Actions

I have performed a quicksearch of the forums
using a select few keywords relating to my bug
to see if it has already been reported:

Have you tried fixing it by using these methods?: I cleared the cache, reloaded the
program, refreshed the screen, restarted the web browser, waited
several hours and checked again.

Game Version: 1.14.19128 (12.11.2013 11:59)
Player: ZatarVinir II (64613)
World: zz1
Locale: en_US
Flash Version: WIN 11,9,900,117
OS: Windows 7
Browser: Firefox/21.0
Viewport Size: 1366x606
Renderer: Legacyfrosty_bug1.jpg


Actually, I did tech research. As an update, it gave me credit for the previously spent points, it simply didn't display it until after I had spent the entire amount. This is different than other quests and the usual display. Here is the screen shot from a few minutes ago, when I added another 7 point expenditure to the existing 7 points spent previously:


So, it resolved. However, I believe the lack of showing the points as they are being spent is an actual bug.



its not a bug. it is
spend 14 FP to a Great Building
research a technology

its not spend 14 FP in a technology :rolleyes:

so it doesn't matter if you spend 0,7, 14 or 100 FPs for research
unlocking a technology even works after 0 FPs


Yes, you can read it that way. Since researching a technology uses FP, it could be read that you spend the FPs on *either* the GB or the research. It doesn't specify that when you unlock any technology you will receive the reward. Wording can sometimes not be clear and since I happened to use the required 14 FP for the technology in question, it didn't appear to be simply unlocking the tech.

Suggestion: if you say it the other way around; "research a technology or spend 14 FP on a GB" the tech is no longer related to the 14 FP.
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I don't find it confusing, "research a technology", wording-wise you cannot link it with "contribute 14 FPs". There have been quests of this type and the same wording previously.

If we're talking about wording, I would rather have the "research a technology" be changed to "unlock a technology" or "complete research on a technology"; To me the researching part is placing the forge points, but the quest actually asks you to pay for the requirements after you've completed the forge points placing part.


I don't find it confusing, "research a technology", wording-wise you cannot link it with "contribute 14 FPs". There have been quests of this type and the same wording previously.

It *could* be read as two completely separate actions, because it is an "or" statement. However, it isn't completely unassociated. It is possible to read it as: "Contribute 14 Forge Points to Great Buildings or research a technology. It is a minor point and I did mistake one for the other, because you contribute Forge Points to both GBs and the Tech Tree. If it took 14 points to gain the reward for doing either that wouldn't seem odd to me. The fact that you could finish research on a technology that you only had 1 FP left to go on, instead of contributing 14 to a GB is more practical and certainly would be more desirable. For that reason, I would make it a little more clear, what ever wording is used.

On the flip side - I have a question about the gifts that I don't have a bug report for, per se: several days ago, I got a Tailor and I was waiting to use it. It vanished from my inventory and I actually did not notice until today. I'm not sure when it disappeared, but it is gone and I am rather disappointed by that. Not sure what to do. I don't know when the deletion occurred, but it is gone. So... suggestions?



use 14 FPs for (GB or research)
would be the same as
use 14 FPs

or is there anything else you can do with FPs I don't know ?
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