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Fixed on Beta: Welcome event- collec 2 incident


yes. also on firefox
good morning, I've been stuck with mission 6-7 of the welcome event for three days which says to collect 2 incidents, but none appear.
Browser or App version and version number
Recreation steps
Actual Behavior
Expected Behavior
Can this be reproduced?


Incidents appear 0-24hours after your login. Maybe you were offline for a few days in between?
Come accros the same problem, unless the incident respawned is tied to 24 hours after you unlocked cultivation from bronze age. None the less it the game spawns in 2 incidents, i quess they are meant for the welcome event quest collect 2 incidents. Just a thought on improvement tie those 2 incidents to that particular quest. It sucks in the way of events have timers on them, i can't progress futher on the welcome event duo to the incident not respawning.


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I guess I will have to wait when it hits live so I can try it on a server I'd probably not play on just to confirm all of this.
support told me that they are aware of the bug. today it solved itself for me
good to know, if i may ask what did you do to get them to spawn again xD.

I for one truly like the idea and concept of the welcome event, lets hope it get fine tuned before it gets realized onto live server! :D only thing though i noticed as the winter event hit the other day, i progressed into iron age and unlocked special events. Suggested is that give the welcome event a own event window and quest window, not tied it into the special event roster which are already build into the game. One other thing i like about the welcome event thing, it gives newbie players a good way to catch up. As always FOE is all about planning ahead. One thing i know for sure i gonna try convince some friends of mine to start play with me on a new live server once the welcome event things are online on live. Bottom line a welcome change and gives new people to catch up.