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Duplicate: Visual bug: Golden crate stays on after all collections taken.


The golden crate on the left side of the screen will stay up even after the collections from all buildings have been taken under certain conditions.

to reproduce:
1. enter the city in the morning with a full FP bar (10 FP) already in there.
2. collect all buildings that give coins/supplies/goods (GBs too). The only building you have left to collect are the FP giving ones, ie. shrines, GBs, town hall.
3. enter research tree, spend your FP
4. return to city, collect the FP giving buildings.
the Golden crate sign will still stay up even though you have collected all buildings.

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interesting enough, that bug report (by me) is of the reverse effect.
the first reply to it was on this effect mentioned in the first post here.
I'm kinda lost since the second post there is the same issue as reported here, but the first post there is unrelated to the issue here, lol... anywho...


Yep, I noticed that ;) I haven't encountered that issue (the reverse of what is described here) for awhile, so that one may be fixed. (Of course, I'll separate the thread if anyone else encounters that issue again).