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Fixed on Beta: Unable to view defending units in Army Management screen when attacking continent map

Amy Steele

World: zz1
Browser and Version: WIN 11,9,900,117, Windows 7, Chrome/30.0.1599.101, 1052x615, Legacy
Overview of the bug: When clicking 'Attack' in continent map sector options, the Army Management window which is then displayed does not show the defending units.
Screenshots: Army Management does not show defending army when attacking a sector on the continent map.jpg
How often this occurs: Every time I try to attack a sector today - though that is the only sector available to me, so I cannot test with other sectors
Urgency: High - it's hard to remember what the defending units are from the sector options screen, therefore difficult to know what units to select to attack with!
Preventative Actions: None that I can think of
Summary: As title
I have performed a quicksearch of the forums using a select few keywords relating to my bug to see if it has already been reported: Yes - nothing found
Have you tried fixing it by using these methods?: Yes - tried soft and hard refresh

Oh! Just noticed also the 'Army Management' heading is off-centre!
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Yep, this is happening to me too, in PvP and in Continental battles.

1.14.19080 (07.11.2013 15:31), mink (38757), zz1, en_US, WIN 11,9,900,117, Windows 7, Firefox/25.0, 1326x608, Legacy