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Do Not Suggest [Suggestion] Remove 2x1 trade limit

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Would make trades easier but the reason they put the limit to begin with was to prevent abuse they say but I say let's risk the abuse and find other ways to catch cheaters.


game was so much more fun before they introduced that 2:1 trade


One good reason to remove it is for those times when you're trading across more than one age. If I want to trade EMA to BA, for example, I have to post an IA trade in between or take the hit on the number of goods. If they want to put a limiter in to reduce massive abuse, that's fine, but it needs to be flexible enough to calculate what actually constitutes abuse and what's fair in any given trade. (I will grant, however, that that becomes a matter of debate above LMA...though even there, you could cap it at 2:1 per age as an upper limit.)


you could cap it at 2:1 per age as an upper limit.)
I like this part, cos if you totally let it free, it would be very easy to abuse. There are a lot of times you want to buy goods two era or up.

On a negative part, there are times as a buyer, you can find 2 era goods up on a 2:1 trade, since they need goods from lower era to produce, so this would mean those offers would have an increase in price.


The objective is facilitate trades between distant ages, something common in the game.

The 2:1 limit aims to avoid abuse. But... what kind of abuse would this be?
Offer 50 stone by 100 biolight is not an abuse?
The current system does not prevent this offer.
It is up to the interested in the trade to analyze if the offer is good or not.


I even think that the offers could being taken in a "partial" way.
If I have 4000 "X" and want to trade by 4000 "Y", currently i have to made hundreds offers. 10 x 10, 50 x 50, 100 x 100, 1000 x 1000.
And yet it will certainly not be to the liking of all interested, who need a not exact round value in the exchange, like just "243".

If the offers could being taken in a "partial" way, I could put only 1 offer on the market: 4000 x 4000.
And the interested ones would take only the amount that interests them.
The rest remains in the market for other interested, until expire.

(The same could occur with the FP packages, which could be stored in a single "container" on inventory, without the need for "packages" of different sizes. But for this it would be necessary that the PF deposit amount could be "typed" too, something that has long been requested. But I think I'm already going too far in the ideas and getting away from the subject of the topic)


Let's put up the logical extreme. I think the limit is in place, at the most basic level, to prevent cases of offering 1 good in exchange for hundreds or thousands of another good. It'd make it a lot easier to set up trades that may or may not (probably not) be the type of thing Inno wants to encourage or allow in-game.


I assume pushing and pushing accounts. It's usually an issue in games like this. Along with extortion.


I assume pushing and pushing accounts. It's usually an issue in games like this. Along with extortion.
no, this improvement would save like one trade, if you somehow abuse trading with a pushaccount
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