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Stop the Greyhound day recurring quest ritual


Skipping all that useless recurring quests like adding 12000 happiness, spent 200 FP etc. is like a returning dog every day asking you to make a choice between the numbers 9, 1,1,1,1,1,1 and 1. And then asks you to choose the highest number as reward. SURPRISE! The highest number is 9, that gives a reward. WOW.

The dog is really astonished you figured out wat your best option is from the nine recurring quests (3 recurring quest puppetmasterst to do every day) and returns to his kennel for 24 hours. Then returns and asks you to.... make a choice between the numbers 9, 1,1,1,1,1,1 and 1. And then asks you to choose the highest number as reward. SURPRISE! The highest number is 9, that gives a reward. WOW. You figured it out! Well done!

Edit: NormaJeane - 2016-12-18 - posting the same point repeatedly...
Note: I deleted the second paragraph 7 times for containing the exact same text.
Please reread that paragraph 7 times for getting an idea of the original post ;)
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At last the ones of happiness must be out, we don't have space to put such buildings, too much job for nearly nothing.