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Do Not Suggest SPECIAL BUILDING PRINTER New Great Building

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it is necessary because we need a completely different building from all the existing ones
I explain it in the text
will allow players to better utilize their city's dynamics as they will be able to print and place additional special buildings in their city
Abuse Prevention
no one will be able to cheat by giving this bonus to said large building
In summary. building which will print special buildings we have taken from events. will produce fragments. every level and more.
Have you looked to see if this has already been suggested?
as far as I have noticed, it has not been proposed as an idea
η ιδέα είναι συγκεκριμένη. Το κτίριο θα έχει τη δυνατότητα να παράγει θραύσματα για ένα ειδικό κτίριο που έχετε ήδη στην πόλη.
Παράδειγμα: το Big Building έχει ένα πλαίσιο στο μενού του όπου θα το επιλέξετε και θα σας δείξει όλα τα ειδικά κτίρια που έχετε στην πόλη και θα επιλέξετε το συγκεκριμένο κτίριο που θέλετε ώστε να παράγει θραύσματα για να το φτιάξετε . Κάθε επίπεδο του Μεγάλου Κτηρίου θα μπορεί να σας δίνει όλο και περισσότερα θραύσματα. αυτό το μεγάλο κτίριο θα μπορούσε να έχει και δεύτερο μπόνους, το ίδιο με το Θόλο, αλλά όχι σε τέτοια επίπεδα. Παράδειγμα στο επίπεδο 100 για την παραγωγή επιπλέον 20%.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.


To the very exact text of such.

But, yep, a hard pass on this one as it will defeat the purpose of other avenues (the AD for example) of gathering event buildings of the past.
Also thinking what’s the chances this would have a worse output compared to gold league buildings, when you have the great building maxed out? Gold league buildings are a tiny footprint. Great buildings are typically huge


I already have a GB that prodcues fragments of buildings for me :cool:

the Blue Galaxy
it increases the fragments a player already get

best used on event gold league only buildings
then Sunhaven Palace and Aegon Resorts

for me Jester Stages and Feta Farms are still the 2 best buildings which are created from event main buildings (not from event gold league building)
Jester Stages --> finish special production --> more buildings faster
Feta Farm --> 8 FP, 30 goods and fight boost with no road on 3x2 --> one year ago people would have said: are you crazy we will never get such a good building
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