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Feedback Space Age Titan

Deleted User - 209122

buy 25 FP and pay 4.200.00 supplies still exist, also all the other not mentioned recurring quest with higher requirement


Does anyone have the list of special buildings that change bonuses in the new age Titan?
For example:
Governor's Villa +1% Attack
Thank you


Current state......whats the spam unit for traz? Not sure if it was asked. I'm trying to lock in city build and it's hard to do not knowing that. My ice breakers one shot all the last age troops with ease........... haven't seen that. They missed some turns but I like them one-shot kills.

PY-R8 Marauder should produce a random ground unit. I have 42 and they will just ignore flying units? Producing trash? With my stats, the flying unit may be my best bet. At least I know one unit will sit and watch.....or am I wrong?
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Seems like everyone loves this age, nothing to complain about (at least the RQs aren't getting worse and I think most people understand that you guys want there to be lots of RQs in order to slow down FP-RQ'ers) .= Good job inno. The new GB's bonuses aren't unique but they're great and all must-haves. I wish still considered myself a goods seller, haven't been in to it because I couldn't support selling any of the GBs since VF except maybe the SC though I still think the SC is a cruddy waste of time and space (making people pay more FP and do more work, for the exact same loot table as HC, doing negotiations for SC made me feel like Inno was telling me to dance for their entertainment every day so I deleted mine last year). Hopefully we can get out of space next time, but I'm happy for more non-era related "end game content".

Shelby GT500

As there are no recurring missions on Titan where thousands of battles can be fought a day, many players will decide to stay on Jupiter. Inno has to "reward" those who decide to advance to Titan, considerably increasing the score for the classification ranking of each Titan unit. Otherwise, we will have 90% of players on Jupiter with Titan GBs doing thousands of battles in recurring missions!
Hence, it is not entirely unreasonable to demand special Titan goods (2000 or more per level, starting from level zero) for the construction of the GBs of this Age for those who are not on Titan.


As there are no recurring missions on Titan where thousands of battles can be fought a day, many players will decide to stay on Jupiter. Inno has to "reward" those who decide to advance to Titan, considerably increasing the score for the classification ranking of each Titan unit. Otherwise, we will have 90% of players on Jupiter with Titan GBs doing thousands of battles in recurring missions!
Hence, it is not entirely unreasonable to demand special Titan goods (2000 or more per level, starting from level zero) for the construction of the GBs of this Age for those who are not on Titan.
Solutions is maybe if are required Crystallized Hydrocarbons per level.


As there are no recurring missions on Titan where thousands of battles can be fought a day, many players will decide to stay on Jupiter. Inno has to "reward" those who decide to advance to Titan, considerably increasing the score for the classification ranking of each Titan unit. Otherwise, we will have 90% of players on Jupiter with Titan GBs doing thousands of battles in recurring missions!
Hence, it is not entirely unreasonable to demand special Titan goods (2000 or more per level, starting from level zero) for the construction of the GBs of this Age for those who are not on Titan.
if only 10% move to Titan then there will be hardly any goods in trading.
As there are no recurring missions on Titan where thousands of battles can be fought a day, many players will decide to stay on Jupiter. Inno has to "reward" those who decide to advance to Titan, considerably increasing the score for the classification ranking of each Titan unit. Otherwise, we will have 90% of players on Jupiter with Titan GBs doing thousands of battles in recurring missions!
Hence, it is not entirely unreasonable to demand special Titan goods (2000 or more per level, starting from level zero) for the construction of the GBs of this Age for those who are not on Titan.
The better solution is, to keep the RQ with fighting fighting opportunities and make special Titan goods necessary for the GB's. For me the fighting quests are the best way to generate goods

Deleted User - 86968

I think Inno's tacitly supporting goods sellers by requiring goods for each level past 10 for the new GBs. If this is true, they're unlikely to add in special goods as an additional cost. This is a great new way to spend goods and keep stockpiles from getting as large as they have in previous ages. I think anyone talking about adding the age-restricted special goods cost to these GBs is barking up the wrong tree. I don't think Inno's trying to keep these GBs limited to players in SAT, they're just trying to make them more expensive in general.

Beta King

As there are no recurring missions on Titan where thousands of battles can be fought a day, many players will decide to stay on Jupiter. Inno has to "reward" those who decide to advance to Titan, considerably increasing the score for the classification ranking of each Titan unit. Otherwise, we will have 90% of players on Jupiter with Titan GBs doing thousands of battles in recurring missions!
Hence, it is not entirely unreasonable to demand special Titan goods (2000 or more per level, starting from level zero) for the construction of the GBs of this Age for those who are not on Titan.
So with only 2k aborts you can only get around 285 fights per day. Definitely not thousands. But i agree with you that when the GBG gets nerfed down it will probably be easier to grow in SAJM doing all you can do in GBG then the quest fights on top.


. I think anyone talking about adding the age-restricted special goods cost to these GBs is barking up the wrong tree. I don't think Inno's trying to keep these GBs limited to players in SAT, they're just trying to make them more expensive in general.

Even if the goal had anything to do with restricting it Age wise, I really don't think Special Goods are needed to achieve that. Anyone not in Titan would have to really hog the tradable goods to hyper level these to the same extent a Titan player will be able to achieve.

If one player is hogging all the trades then you won't have many players below Titan leveling these buildings up.

Whereas if each goods seller insists on evenly distributing goods sold between players, that's still going to restrict the rate these buildings can level up by for those below Titan

Either way the leveling costs are naturally going to restrict the building in some way for those below Titan