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Not A Bug: Soccer event: Referee's whistle both for goal and fail


changelog 1.28 said:
The user now gets different sounds played on successful shot and unsuccessful shots

World: zz1
Browser and Version: 1.28.24020 (05.06.2014 14:37), Andi47 (73349), zz1, en_US, WIN 13,0,0,214, Windows 7, Firefox/29.0, 1920x939, DirectX9Ex (352 MB VRAM)
Overview of the bug: According to the changelog we should now hear different sound depending if we score a goal or fail to do so. Actually, since 1.28 the sound is the referee's whistle in both cases. (it worked correctly for a short time before the update 1.28)
Screenshots: n/a
How often this occurs: happened every time so far
Urgency: please fix before the event starts on the main servers
Preventative Actions: none
Summary / steps to reproduce:
1.) go to the soccer event screen (you need to have at least one shot available)
2.) do any kind of shot, e.g. corner shot or power shot or trick shot (Edit: The bug also just happened with a lob-shot.) and listen to the sound
3.) independent whether the player scores a goal or not, you hear the referee's whistle. In case of success, I would expect a "fanfare" sound. (at least we should hear a different sound according to the changelog 1.28)
I have performed a quicksearch of the forums using a select few keywords relating to my bug to see if it has already been reported: yes, nothing found
Have you tried fixing it by using these methods?: Bug happens even after reloading with Strg-F5.
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Confirmed, and I edited the thread's title for you :)


From the changelog 1.28 on the .de servers; version will be installed Thuesday next week:
changelog 1.28 on .de said:
Es gibt nun unterschiedliche Sounds bei den Torschüssen für Erfolg und Misserfolg.

ok, it's just a sound effect, but.... Will this be "fixed" in the same way as here on beta?

Remember: On beta the situation was like this:
* until 1.27: a "fanfare" sound both for successful and failed shots
* with 1.27, I think it came with a subversion between the 14-day updates: "fanfare" with success, no sound with failed shots
* with 1.28: "whistle" sound both with success and fail. And now 1.28 is about to be installed on the main servers...


Maybe this should be clarified. The final fix doesn't mean that there will be different sounds for failed and won shots. It was decided to use the same new sound, the whistle, for both and a different sound on buying items.


Thank you Tigerteufel. Setting it to not a bug then.