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Not A Bug: Soccer Event - Neighbourhood cups amount doesn't update


Sorry, NO bug - worked again after clearing the cache a 2nd time (or it was fixed server-side meanwhile..)

Reproduction Steps:

1. Open event
2. take some shots with chance < 100%

Issue Description (10/10):
When failing a shot, the number of cups for that shot doesn't increase as expected (and as it did before); it also doesn't change when another player adds or wins cups.
/edit: Updated numbers are only shown when you close & reopen the event

Player: Exegghead (125924)
World: zz1
Operating System: Windows 7 Pro SP2 + up tp date
Browser Version: Chrome/50.0.2661.102 (checked with up-to-date Firefox, too)
Viewport Size: 2560x1404

I have performed a quicksearch of the forums using a select few keywords relating to my bug to see if it has already been reported: YES
Last edited:


I am unable to reproduce this, cups update properly here. Is anyone else experiencing this?

ETA: Ah, sorry, text didn't update till I posted. :) Will change the status then. Thanks for the update!


Happens to me also, trying to make a prtscrn next time. Disappears with refresh


I hope this is an issue and not the way it's supposed to be, and this is the second time (that I've noticed) that it's happened to me in the last several days. when trying to score on the 5%, I managed to get up to 640 cups (the last 12 shots of which I purchased shots with diamonds) and it suddenly dropped from 640 to 100 to start over again. The double chance doesn't work well either. At any rate, I lost 120 diamonds buying shots only to get knocked back down from 640 to 100. I didn't win that last shot either, but had I won, it wouldn't have been appropriate. also, are the shots always supposed to start back over when you open the game again or keep on until you've won and then start back over?


You play along with your whole neighborhood, so the reason why the cups amount 'restarts' is because a neighbor wins the high cup amount. Any changes neighbors do in the Soccer Cup will reflect on your own event window, just like any changes you do will reflect on yours.