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Feedback Soccer Event 2014 Feedback


If I have disabled animation once so why it is again enabled next time I enter the Soccer Cup window? Please make it disabled till we decide to enable it again manually.

Guess we forgot about that. Will be added.




Nice game but it really slows down my gameplay.

I'm having this problem too - there is a 5-10 second delay before I see a response to any of my mouse actions. The daily mot/pol round has also become impossible, as it's taking far too long to load other cities and then to scroll around them.


The Hall of fame makes crowns, but what you can do with crowns of the Hall of fame?
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mhhhh.... I've collected 45 crowns 10 minutes ago; I don't see any change in the guild stats (power, prestige...) :confused:

the collected power is supposed to be shown at the daily calculation?

edit okay, after the daily calculation the guild gains +45 power and prestige
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Since introduction of the soccer event the game has become unusable - cannot scroll around to collect. The delay of seconds means it keeps thinking I have clicked on another building. Tried everything - is this the end of FoE????
By the way my laptop is plenty powerful & plenty of memory.


Since introduction of the soccer event the game has become unusable - cannot scroll around to collect. The delay of seconds means it keeps thinking I have clicked on another building. Tried everything - is this the end of FoE????
By the way my laptop is plenty powerful & plenty of memory.

Did you also try disabling Hardware Acceleration? BTW, The Soccer Event and V1.27 were introduced at the same time so it may be related to V1.27.


The soccer event was a funny little twist I wasn't expecting (having played through a few events on the live server) and it's been amusing. It's a pitty there isn't a little bit more variation on the "miss" and "goal" animations, after you see them a few times it's really dull. The prizes are ok, nothing there I'm going to go nuts for but at least there are buildings that will remind me that I got them from "x" event.

Having said that I am disappointed in the Hall of Fame, giving power without even needing to participate in GvG is wrong to me. It's good to see Inno coming up with completely different ideas for the reward buildings than just a buffed version of a normal building but I don't like the idea of a building that gives power.


Right now there are 2 blueprints as price we can buy but it needs a help text to show if these blueprints are for the Observatory or random BP's for other buildings...


Yes - made no difference. I also shut down all other applications, including other FoE worlds which were running as usual. Rebooted and checked HA still disabled but problem still manifests. Have discovered that if I hold the mouse button down for 2 or 3 seconds then I can move the city around so it is definitely a delay issue relating to signals from the mouse. I don't really care if it is the soccer event or the update - has it been recognised as an issue?


only a dissapointment:

Each mission is more difficult than the previous one (thats ok) ..but I see that the rewards of all missions are always the same: '1 Shots package'.
It should be like the Easter event as well where the reward of each mission was according to the difficult of that mission.
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Yes - made no difference. I also shut down all other applications, including other FoE worlds which were running as usual. Rebooted and checked HA still disabled but problem still manifests. Have discovered that if I hold the mouse button down for 2 or 3 seconds then I can move the city around so it is definitely a delay issue relating to signals from the mouse. I don't really care if it is the soccer event or the update - has it been recognised as an issue?

Thanks for your response RosieWillow, would you be so kind to report this in the Bugs Forum with your system information etc.?


The event buildings are cute, but the fan shop seems to be on a slightly smaller scale than the other buildings in my town. The people on/near it seem smaller than the people at the newsstand, the hat shop, etc. Or am I hallucinating? @.@

Also: One of the prizes in the chest is called "quintuple shot package", which sounds like five packages. It's not. It's one package of five shots just like the quest rewards, so unless it's supposed to be misleading, it should be called "shot package" just like the quest rewards.
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Could it be made more visual which members contributed powers to their guild? Now it is almost impossible to calculate...


I would like to see the new building info on the question mark screen, along with the event info. Would be interested to know what the buildings do, although clearly one could just wait til you get one and find out ;) Kinda like on the Easter event, where you could mouse hover the new stuff and learn about it.


I would like to see the new building info on the question mark screen, along with the event info. Would be interested to know what the buildings do, although clearly one could just wait til you get one and find out ;) Kinda like on the Easter event, where you could mouse hover the new stuff and learn about it.
You couldn't with the items inside the chests which is exactly what's happening now ;)