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Feedback Sacred's Official feedback + Social interaction


What was your first impression of the game as a whole?
I pretty much knew what to expect, but was still impressed by the graphics! I do like the game a lot, and I think it's balanced quite well for a beta!

Did you find it hard to learn how to play Forge of empires?/Were you ever unsure of what to do?
The only confusion were the goods buildings (not quite clear when/how they produce goods) and the advancing to the next age.

How can we make things easier for new player?
I think more popup info, especially for units, and a wiki will help a lot. More quests too, but I hear that is coming, so i am not worried.

What do you think of the Gui(user interface) of Forge of empires?
It's good and quite intuitive, except for a few things outlined below.

How can we improve the gui/ What buttons or features would you like to add?
I think the option to choose something more traditional to view the game rankings would be good, and there needs to be a cleared indication of what we gain through PvP rankings. An ingame friends list and chat is desperately needed.

What do you think of the balancing system of forge of empires?/ Is a unit, building or feature over- or under-powered?
  • The cavalry is underpowered, at least in the iron age, while artillery is overpowered. The way to balance this is to give cavalry more artillery defence. I have made a thread about it in the General feedback section. http://forum.beta.forgeofempires.com/showthread.php?176-Underpowered-Cavalry-Overpowered-Artillery.
  • Iron age monument is too expensive.
  • Also, I don't see the reason why a tile should give us 500 of some raw goods, there is no point of having it at 500. Either make it ever run out, or just make it a permanent unlimited bonus.
  • Town Hall bonus should increase with each age by the way.

What are your thoughts on the world-map overview? / How can we improve it?
It's pretty fine as it is, perhaps making it centre on the province we last viewed is better, to reduce scrolling.

What did you think about the hex battlefield system, which lets you control your unit in battle? What is good, what is bad and how can we improve it?
It's too small (or infantry is too fast and shooting range too big). It should be big enough to some manoeuvres with cavalry. Perhaps separate the armies by additional 6 fields or so - this would also be good as it would force players to position artillery. as a system it works fine.

What do you think of the premium system(diamonds) and which improvements and features would you like to see in the future?
Not used it yet.

General feedback:
Ther needs to be some way to hide Goods buildings. They become obsolete or need to be rotated, player should not be forced to delete and rebuild them again and again. I also kind of wish you add a Heroes system like in the heroes of Might and Magic games - them being units that you can recruit that provide passive bonuses to production and armies. Some of them could even be bought using gems *cough*moneytopayyourwages*cough*. However, what this game really needs is:

This above needed to be in the title, in caps and in bold. This game is seriously lacking in the social aspect right now, and because of this there is no real comeptition and it's not captivating enough.
  • Trading (allows players to set up embassies in other cities to allow player to player trade of goods - no money/tools trade, and no open market)
  • Visits
  • Rewards for PvP
  • Friends and alliances
  • PvP continents to fight for!
  • Ingame chat and mail system
  • Custom Avatars
  • Ingame reputation system
  • Forum signatures with our ingame accomplishments

Your colleagues from Jagex and Zynga have made a fortune not because they make totally mindblowing games, but because their games are social!

With this I think I will end this specific thread, I hope you will think through everything I have suggested. :)

PS: I hope I did mention this game needs more player interaction.