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Fixed on Beta: Quest errors


World: Dunarsund
Browser and Version: firefox and chrome (latest)
Overview of the bug: I have lost a quest giver (just one non skippable guy and one skippable one) and also the skippable slot only gives two quests on loop
How often this occurs: permanent
Urgency: mild to important
Preventative Actions-none

Summary: I only get the same 2 quests. It was produce 2 carrots and research 2 techs, but after waiting a couple hours, I was able to change the 2 carrots quest into have 4 x unit and 4 x unit. I can only cycle through the "have 4x unit" and "research 2 tech quests" though.

I think it is an error that I only have 2 quest givers too. I just gonquered last HMA territory and have cleared bonus EMA as well. I am at end of HMA tech and I remember having 3 quest givers at that point on normal servers.

I have performed a quicksearch of the forums using a select few keywords relating to my bug to see if it has already been reported:
Have you tried fixing it by using these methods?: yes


1) I don't think I can help you there. Try contacting support
2) I think you only get your third quest giver when you reach the LMA Bonus Content if I'm not mistaken...


I had a 3rd questgiver before the EMA guy took over that spot. It diappeared when I was done and I thought it might be because of frosty


and have cleared bonus EMA as well
error found:
the third quest giver is only for the EMA bonus story and will disappear after it

the third quest giver comes back when reaching the Late Middle Age bonus story
and after finishinig that quest line it will stay for normal quests


haha ok well that is one down I guess. It is abck to giving me carrot quest instead of "have 4x units," but it is still only the 2 quests over and over


Inhouse Community Manager
The looping quests should be fixable if you submit a ticket, thanks. It is reported as a part of another bug where none ME players get an ME quest.