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Quest asking to build above age building

Gab in Beta

Hi !
I would like to know if this is something I should report as a bug, or Is this because I already have 3 sectors of Early Medieval on continent map?
I am on iron Age and tanneries are Early Medieval. I can abort this quest, but I would like to complete them all.
I cant remember which quest I ve just finished and this new apeared.



Perk Creator
aborting will eventually give you something you can do. (you'll hit recurring quests once you clear side quests either by completing or aborting them)

Gab in Beta

Thats true, I didnt took these provinces because I just liked to do, I did cause camping on iron and wanting to complete all quests, I had to take provinces to complete my daily ones. I wont open a new province from now on and I hope I dont get dailys and quests wanting me to take x ammount of Continent map provinces.