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Feedback Quantum Incursions

I see the changes as very damaging for active players that could and did try to get the 2x bonus.
For low activity players it's probably a benefit to not have to think about 2x anymore. Which with less node completed was more prone to unlucky combination.
I think on balance the higher chance of not completing difficulty I is the major negative issue with this change.
The level completing progress required is 3 times the old value (difficulty I and II: 1040 basilisk vs 3080 new).
If a guild was nearer to 1x it's much faster, but if a guild was almost at 2x it is much slower progress than Basilisk. Considering that coin & supply and goods where very easy to complete at 2x and that was 25% of the total progress on those level.

Overall it make QI more boring, but easier to progress.
I am of two minds about the change in the end of incursion 6 chests bonus. We lost the medals but got a very good kit.

I see that the reward are about the equivalent to the 2x reward. But with some strange exception.

For example the normal node have a lower good reward in II (100) than in I (150):
Difficulty I
Difficulty II

The difficulty II new map (Drake Mountain) has a stronghold that is not optional. That is the same of a Lieutenant Node. Since we must beat the stronghold to reach the boss, the boss can never get the bonus form an undefeated stronghold.
I'll just say it, the reward for qi coins/supply is garbage. You cannot do a single thing with that low amount. Can't buy one unit without 5k. And it's only 20% chance, so 5+ fights you lose 5+ full health units for this low amount you can't do jack diddles with?? It'd be really nice to be able to put the fights towards improving my QI town thats for sure.

Stop putting garbage rewards in the game that you know are not helpful or that people want.


For low activity players it's probably a benefit to not have to think about 2x anymore. Which with less node completed was more prone to unlucky combination.
Actually, they'll have to be around 33% more active than before if they want to earn the 500 shards for the 3 expansion to start a quantic city (and not spend half the incursion in the building phase). Nerf of QI pass is there as well :confused:
Actually, they'll have to be around 33% more active than before if they want to earn the 500 shards for the 3 expansion to start a quantic city (and not spend half the incursion in the building phase). Nerf of QI pass is there as well :confused:
That is not strictly correct.
Now you need 100 progress for each prize in the pass. That is 25 battles/donation, in low activity guild (you will not get the x5 on low activity).

Before you needed 30 progress that was 15 to 30 battles (but only 15 donation of coin/supplies).
In an not that active guild you might be a long time on a bad troop combination.

Personally I can fight with 8 ballista and no losses on most enemies in lower levels even on auto fight (with bonuses!)
But it doesn't work against fast+archers. For those I need 8 melee troops (with loses) or ballista + archers. But I might not have the troops to get x2 (except in the case the 2x troops are artillery & archers).

Also the 8 initial balista, means you can start using your action immediately (if you are on a combat node).

Personally I use a plan that require only 2 expansion with shards, which is cheaper initially.

My issue is that at the same time donation nodes have gone up a lot.
Difficulty 1: from 1200 to 4100
Difficulty 2: from 1400 to 8200
Difficulty 3: from 3500 to 12300
That is a very big increase, and it's not justified by us being able to balance our resources.
The additional goods building is a save of 20 goods on the 3rd expansion with goods. since we can produce any good for good donation nodes.

The barrack is more potentially more useful. But for now I didn't see any benefit (I'm trying different option in different world). I hope it helps somehow.
It would have been much more beneficial if 2x wasn't removed at the same time.


That is not strictly correct.
Now you need 100 progress for each prize in the pass. That is 25 battles/donation, in low activity guild (you will not get the x5 on low activity).

Before you needed 30 progress that was 15 to 30 battles (but only 15 donation of coin/supplies).
In an not that active guild you might be a long time on a bad troop combination.
A french player did the math considering different ways of playing and shared the following results however:
"Cas", i.e. player profile considered:
  1. Fighter/Farmer full x2
  2. Mix Farmer/Fighter 2 units : x2 on donation + fight when possible (so a few x2 thx to his 2 units)
  3. Mix Farmer/Fighter 1 unit : x2 on donation + fight when possible (so a fewer x2 thx to his only unit for fighting)
  4. Fighters with 1 unit only : same as above but no donation
Considering less QI active players are either 2 or 3, they do have to be more active, around +33%.
Even "best" case regarding low impact for this change is around +17% activity required.

I did on top of that checked the amound required before / after to get 500 shards every incursion (minimum activity):
  • Championship 1 --> QI pass 390 ; 750 ; 1050 ; 1290 (600 shards) ; 1530 (400 shards) ; 1830
    So 1830 progresss in total, around 305 per incursion.
  • Championship 2 --> QI pass 1300 ; 2500 ; 3500 ; 4300 (600 shards) ; 5100 (400 shards) ; 6100
    So 6100 progresss in total, around 1220 per incursion.
  • That's 4 times previous amount, i.e. the only case where a player does not have to increase its activity is when he was only always doing x1.

Personally I use a plan that require only 2 expansion with shards, which is cheaper initially.
If it's a shared plan, I'll be glad to look at it :)

My issue is that at the same time donation nodes have gone up a lot.
Difficulty 1: from 1200 to 4100
Difficulty 2: from 1400 to 8200
Difficulty 3: from 3500 to 12300
That is a very big increase, and it's not justified by us being able to balance our resources.
Good point, I was not expecting such an increase from the announcement :mad:
Depending on the guild (size, number of players farming), it could even be an early blocker either on the map or in the city building... :rolleyes:
A french player did the math considering different ways of playing and shared the following results however:
View attachment 11438
"Cas", i.e. player profile considered:
  1. Fighter/Farmer full x2
  2. Mix Farmer/Fighter 2 units : x2 on donation + fight when possible (so a few x2 thx to his 2 units)
  3. Mix Farmer/Fighter 1 unit : x2 on donation + fight when possible (so a fewer x2 thx to his only unit for fighting)
  4. Fighters with 1 unit only : same as above but no donation
Considering less QI active players are either 2 or 3, they do have to be more active, around +33%.
Even "best" case regarding low impact for this change is around +17% activity required.

I did on top of that checked the amound required before / after to get 500 shards every incursion (minimum activity):
  • Championship 1 --> QI pass 390 ; 750 ; 1050 ; 1290 (600 shards) ; 1530 (400 shards) ; 1830
    So 1830 progresss in total, around 305 per incursion.
  • Championship 2 --> QI pass 1300 ; 2500 ; 3500 ; 4300 (600 shards) ; 5100 (400 shards) ; 6100
    So 6100 progresss in total, around 1220 per incursion.
  • That's 4 times previous amount, i.e. the only case where a player does not have to increase its activity is when he was only always doing x1.

If it's a shared plan, I'll be glad to look at it :)

Good point, I was not expecting such an increase from the announcement :mad:
Depending on the guild (size, number of players farming), it could even be an early blocker either on the map or in the city building... :rolleyes:
I use a copy of Flotte's guide.
This is the link I have: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...kcsEnxPZUtMrxEM2I0wdi-rQ9s/edit#gid=187088013
It might have changed since I made my copy.

I don't think profile 2 or 3 are correct for a slow moving guild. Or we are referring to different cases.

If you want to use the action you had (old version) you had to donate AND fight. And since you cannot skip nodes or your action would fill up, you have to make some of the battles without 2x.
You also cannot skip any node without having your action fill up.
Donation at 2x for coin/supplies
Good donation at 2x most of the time
Battle at 2x or 1x depending on luck.
For estimate the donation nodes in the first couple of level are 25% of the progress on the level. Your average multiplier should be between x1.25 and x2, probably around x1.5 onaverage but with huge variation.


If you want to use the action you had (old version) you had to donate AND fight. And since you cannot skip nodes or your action would fill up, you have to make some of the battles without 2x.
You also cannot skip any node without having your action fill up.
Donation at 2x for coin/supplies
Good donation at 2x most of the time
Battle at 2x or 1x depending on luck.
You're describing precisely profile 2 there, sorry if I translated badly ;)
(profile 3 being the same except the player use only 1 unit in battle and therefore get less bonus x2).

Thx for the guide, forgot this one was based on 2 shards expansion ^^