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Feedback Quantum Incursions update


Community Manager

We made several improvements to Quantum Incursions!

This is the place to be if you have any questions about it or would like to discuss it with other players.
Please keep in mind that your opinion may differ from the opinions of other players, you don't have to convince each other of anything here. :)

We appreciate your feedback!

Please write your feedback in a factual and constructive way and stay on topic.
So that we can pass your feedback on to the developers, the following points would be important to note:
  • Feedback that only contains one sentence like "Improvements proof provided buffs." is not helpful. Please make sure to include reasons for your opinion.
  • The same goes for positive feedback. We are happy about it of course, but describing what exactly you like is always very helpful!
  • Limit your feedback to the actual content. Feedback like "You should improve X" or feedback that refers to other game content or previous events is not helpful.
  • Questions that ask when it will be released on the live server will not be answered. We always announce it in time there.
  • Don't report any bugs here. Please use the bugs forum.
  • Use the "Like" button if another player has already reflected your opinion well.
Thank you very much and have fun!

Your Forge of Empires Team
Too bad there's a limit on the number of expansions.. It really makes it not matter how quick you get there

I get that some limit is needed since we're dealing with limited space but 10 is pretty low, I would like to see numbers for up to 20 even if it takes years to get there with a quantum pass. We're endgame and minmaxing, give us some long long long term goals to strive for :) give us some numbers that seem unachievable and then let us try to achieve them.
could get rid of 2 notifications (new QI to unlock, new QI unlocked) by having it use the " actions full " right from the start..


Its good to see these being activated but the costs are a little too high, they need bringing down maybe by half and it will still take years, dont worry.
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They will give us mor buffs to make easier to end the X levels of QI. With this, we will have more points and more medals.
But if it remains as castle is, that we need years to make full castle...
Push notification are nice and appreciated. But:
  • Do not send push notification for completed production that take up to 5 seconds (goods and unit production)! it just floods us with useless notification. Even if I forgot to collect the last goods production having 10 to 15 notification of completed production doesn't help (at all). If I'm unlocking an expansion that cost 240 goods or contributing to a goods donation nodes those notification are annoying. I do need the notification when actual production or home building finish production, that is useful.
  • There is a notification for when a new difficulty level is open. Nice for players who are not Quantum Officer. But as a Quantum Officer it would be better to have another one for when the boss is defeated/all nodes in level are completed!
The exclamation mark on QI when there is something to collect appear also when there are chest that can be collected with shards (I can already see this in mobile live), it shouldn't. Free chests should have this, paid for chest shouldn't because it never goes away if we need to save shards for next incursion (which we should by design).
Exception after the last incursion of a championship the exclamation mark should appear as long as there are chest that can be bought with shards, because in this case the shards are going to disappear afterward.


The most important improvement for me is missing: having to redo the entire city is very boring, repetitive, and tiring. During the championship we should have been able to stay in the city, at the end of the championship, then start all over again. I don't have the desire, nor the patience, to build a city from scratch so that when it can finally help me, it disappears into space.
The other aspect, in the old GVG, the battles carried out helped in the city's missions, besides having to be done manually (a hassle), this have no interest in the player's city missions.


I still regard this update, along with every update that happened, as something that is greedy, yet noobish. And, for a feature that is somewhat boring (the constant build/rebuild every 2 weeks, the 10 hour production times, the costs, etc.), this latest stunt is telling the player base on the competence of the ones who are entrusted to come forth with a feature that supposedly replaces GvG.

Am I happy about the expansion pricing? No. For if they started sensible, like 10k QI medals and then double each time a new expansion is picked up by the player, I am sure more will be trying this out for those expansions alone. But at 400k for the first one; only a few are at that amount. And who wants to wait until they hit 15 million QI medals to get the last expansion? By then, the feature will probably be collecting dust because the other features will render it boring by the masses.

Am I happy that I have to start a city each time I play? Not at the very least. A lot of players had pointed out if the cities remain throughout the championship, competition would have been fierce and participation would be great. I don't have to sit for 5 days in trying to get my QI city all fixed up so I can start on producing troops to get into fighting (with at least 2 aqueducts down).

Am I happy that I have this thing called 'action points'? I usually put any game that requires any form of energy usage on the shelf because who wants to wait until they get a certain amount to be able to do a task in a game? I certainly wouldn't want that. I don't even worry about my FP counter because I know I will get way more points than just the measly 10 that was placed on while being away.
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Every change is great and needed, very useful especially the future node information. Is there more to fix, absolutely, but I prefer to comment on what they did change and ++ in my book.

Leading QI on live server, it is a struggle to get the "less involved" decent opportunities to get progress points. Knowing what is coming, goods, coins/supplies and units, people can prepare better.

I know people want other changes, some would change the design. Hopefully the expansion medals, is a first round, high spot.
I also am not pleased at the amount of medals required, but at the same time like another post said it's not like we're supposed to be able to get all those millions very quickly. At the same time, the expansions don't really motivate me to play QI so even if it takes me longer to get the expansions is not going to affect my long term play. What affects my long term play is 1) the ease of play-ability 2) the rewards. The notification on city productions is a great step, but the rewards since in my time playing QI haven't manifested anything is dwindling my interest.

At this point since we've had IA cities, I've pretty much figured out my mad strat, so the game will only grow more monotonous having to start over every time. Although I wouldn't appreciate getting different rewards from different levels since I haven't completed other rewards frags yet.
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So we now got the information about the medal costs for expansions - Fine
We almost knew that it is going to be expensive
Information about oncoming challenges is a good thing and important.
So the update is ok
The crucial point in QI is the Lengt of Building Time needed untill your settlement is ready to really participate in the game. Players without a good budget in Money, Shards or Diamonds to speed things up are often already left behind when they finally, after 4-5 days, reach the ability to build military and goods. And then there are just 6 days left to play before everything starts from the beginning.
That is no fun. It is boring. If it is not now, because the game is new, it will for shure be in no time.
Many Players do not even start building a settlement because of that. They than also cannot participate in donating goods or military or other Ressources.

Shorten the regular building time for all by 2 days (without having to pay for it) or finding a solution how to leave the settlement all together, after building it up once, for the entire championship. That might help make QI more attractive.

Deleted User - 279081

Looking at the expansion prices I remember that it purely made for more diamonds issuing. Nice try Inno but no...
Imo, an opportunity to purchase more expansions for Quantum medals (regardless of how many) is better than no opportunity to purchase more expansions. Thanks INNO. :)