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New Issue: QI - Attack and defense bonuses do not apply.


Before the start of a QI battle, the opponent's attack and defense bonus is displayed, but during the battle it is not visible on the units and is not applied.
Browser or App version and version number
1.276.a9ba3d30da (01.02.2024 18:45), Firefox/122.0
Recreation steps
Start manual QI battle.
Actual Behavior
Opponent's attack and defense bonus is not applied.
Expected Behavior
Units should use the bonus to attack and defend the opponent.
Can this be reproduced?


I confirm today's battles hare harder.
But no explanations by Inno so far.
Are you there? Can you talk to us?


Right now our own attack bonus is displayed before the fight,
but in the fight attack bonus is zero (displayed and calculated).
@Leones , @Juber This is urgent, we cant fight anymore
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but in the fight attack bonus is zero (displayed and calculated).
This is urgent, we cant fight anymore
I still can fight (enemy has 40 % A/D), but you're right. Seems like it only uses the defense boost. Having 175 % each (3 forgotten temples and tourney ground).

Edit: This was a blue enemy (defend against the enemy). I moved to a station with red enemy (attack the enemy) and here it's all good:
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Fire Witch

Forum Sorceress
Beta Moderator
Sorry, I currently do not have information on any bugs. I am sure most of them are already reported, though.


I have 40% blue attack and defend.
(1 aqueduct that was built 3-4 days ago, and 6 monument that was built 2hours before) [10%+5%+5%+5%+5%+5%+5%]

Blue nodes army management:
Army Management says (at blue node): atk+10% / def+10%

I was curious, 10% that shown in army management (at blue node) is exactly as my red attack and defend. I built a Victory Pillar. +5% red
and see a miracle (at blue node) now it says I have atk+15% / def+15%
conclusion: the red and blue values were mixed up in army management at blue nodes

Blue nodes manual fight:
Hovering on my units on bottom bar, it says atk+0% / def+40%

conclusion: probably it is not just tooltip, someone forgot to add blue attack
later I will check what happens with the expected dmg if I sell all my decorations
edit: yea, nothing changed
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