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Fixed on Beta: "PvP tournament ended" window missing


Note: "Push" in this context means to go e.g. to tech tree and back to city to "force" pending info windows to pop up

Reproduction Steps:
1.) your first login on monday - no info window pops up
2.) push the "GE ended" window by going e.g. to tech tree and back to city
3.) push eventual "player xy's GB has reached level x, you get ..." message (there will be only one available, no matter how many GBs have leveled up) <-- ancient bug!!!
4.) push the event history (since when do you need to push this one on login?)
5.) push again
observed: no more information window - what happened to the "PvP tournament is over, you ranked x in the y tower" message?
expected: the "PvP ended..." message should pop up on one of the push actions

Issue Description (10/10): this week no "PvP tournament ended" window was available - this applies both to beta and to live servers.

Operating System:
Browser Version:
Viewport Size:

1.107.8deaadcf6b (24.07.2017 8:30), Andi47 (73349), zz1, en_US, WIN 26,0,0,137, Windows 10, Chrome/59.0.3071.115, 1920x950, OpenGL (336 MB VRAM)

1.105.62807f2972 (12.07.2017 10:46), Andi47 (868769), de3, de_DE, WIN 26,0,0,137, Windows 10, Chrome/59.0.3071.115, 1920x950, OpenGL (336 MB VRAM)

I have performed a quicksearch of the forums using a select few keywords relating to my bug to see if it has already been reported: nothing found


I got the PvP window after second action.
Login - New neighborhood window
Go to tech and back - GE concluded window
Continent map and back - PvP window

This may have something to do with the way these windows are prioritized, I will try and find out.


My guess: I was online yesterday until after the PvP tournaments ended, but did not push the notifications at that time.

If there are pending information windows, and I reload in the meantime without pushing them, the info window is LOST (i.e. I will never see it).

Steps to reproduce:
1.) an info window is pending (example: the inventory indicates new content, I click and I see that I got lots of FP - so a GB where I contributed must have ended - and then...)
2.) reload (example: I attempt to push, the game crashes and forces a reload - still happens on live because the memory leaks are not yet fixed on live)
3.) attempt to push notifications by going e.g. to tech tree and back

observed: the info window, which was pending before (in my example a "GB x leveled up, you got y for contributing"), does NOT appear
expected: pending info windows should be available until I have seen them, even if I reload in the meantime

possible solution (besides fixing the the "info windows get lost on reload"-bug and the "only one GB reward window shown on pushing when more than one are pending"-bug):
1.) PLEASE add in indicator (e.g. in the now free space below the new quest UI - or in the indicator column at the right side of the screen), which shows that there is at least one info window pending. Clicking the indicator should open the pending window. (WHY do I need to go to tech tree and back if I want to see the notification?)
2.) PLEASE add an "open GB reward window" button to the event history line, which is saying "<name>'s GB has reached level x, you ranked place y"!!
3.) PLEASE add lines to the event history for events like "GE has ended" or "PvP has ended" or "new Neighborhood has been shuffled". The "GE has ended" and "PvP has ended" lines should come with an "open information window" button!


I like the idea of just adding the ability to 'View Notifications' personally. That way they can't get lost, we can look at them when we want to, and they no longer need to popup at random times.


I like the idea of just adding the ability to 'View Notifications' personally. That way they can't get lost, we can look at them when we want to, and they no longer need to popup at random times.

In this case: can you please forward the suggestion to the developers - together with the report that it is a big nuisance to keep loosing/missing notifications?