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Feedback Ongoing Changelog w/c 13th November

  • Thread starter Retired Community Manager
  • Start date


I had for some days now observed the issue regarding larger display of transformed rogues.
Initially I thought it had to be a bug (which now is confirmed), but I must say to me it made a lot of sense. Especially for players who either would prefer having rogues / transformed rogues killed (if you find yourself in a battle where loss is inevitable), due to a large number of unattached rogues. Or for players who would try to guard their rogues, because they haven´t that many.
In the course of a manual fought battle, it can sometimes be quite hard to keep track of which were once rogues and which were regular units.


From Tuesday:
  • Fixed an issue where Rogues were displaying first in the attacking army instead of last

Errrrmmmm... really?

1.115.358abfcff1 (17.11.2017 13:10), Andi47 (73349), zz1, en_US, WIN 27,0,0,187, Windows 10, Chrome/62.0.3202.94, 1920x949, OpenGL (Baseline Extended) (336 MB VRAM)

For comparison: Old order on live server:

1.114.cda24ac05c (15.11.2017 9:32), Andi47 (868769), de5, de_DE, WIN 27,0,0,187, Windows 10, Chrome/62.0.3202.94, 1920x949, OpenGL (336 MB VRAM)