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Not A Bug: No plunder command


no plunder command 2.jpgno plunder command.jpg

I just finished attacking 2 of my neighbors who are not in my friends' list and therefore are subject for plundering, to my surprise the usual plunder command (either lit or greyed out) is replaced by a greyed out motivate/polish icon. it happened consecutively. Prior to that, plundering is in effect, as usual, to all the previous battles done a few minutes before. Anomaly still prevalent after I refreshed.
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I think am beginning to get it, before the recent changelog, the battle victor can opt to defer claiming the spoils (by way of plunder) until something desirable presents itself, as long as it is still covered before the 24 hour battle period resets, and then do another plunder once the clock hits anew--provided they win again, which allows a winner to, technically speaking, do plundering twice. If my intuition is correct, this is no longer allowed. The victor must claim his prize right after a win, otherwise they will have to wait for another 24-hour roll out (which will begin only upon pillage) before the subsequent plundering so as not to allow overlapping, regardless if the battle clock has already reset. But of course I need someone to confirm this.


I've got the same thing happening... if I waited to plunder someone for several hours after battle, I am now unable to do so again for 24 hours from the plunder instead of from the battle :confused:


You ended up plundering me (later than when you breached my defense). So is it really not working with specific people?


You ended up plundering me (later than when you breached my defense). So is it really not working with specific people?

it really doesn't reset at all, even after24 hours for some players, you are just one that I get to keep plundering :p