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No attack bonus for defense


Why I havent attack bonus from great bulding like zeus or Aachen to defense? Its again - I dont have chance to defend myself.
WHY did you change it? really why? its unfair.


because Zeus & co are GBs for ATTACKING
for DEFENDING there are other GBs, the monastery and watchfires

your question is like asking why the Lighthouse of Alexandria is only boosting supllies and not boosting coins :rolleyes:

WHY did you change it? really why? its unfair.
it was ALWAYS as it is: nothing has been changed

I dont have chance to defend myself.
is it the fault of the game that you preferred building GBs for attacking and not for defending :confused:


on czech server, i have still bonuse from aachen and zeus. I have 5 watchfares, 1 monastery, max Sain Basil, max Deal castle, max castel de monde, 6lev zeus and max aachen. I have max bonus for defence, but max bonus for attack too. Now you change rules again and Zeus, Aachen and Castel lost bonus for defence. I havent chance to defend my sefl if i have tank with 0% attack and 50 % defend and he has 50% attack and 50% defend. I play this game for 2 years and have more than 2000 fights. i know what i mean.



Now you change rules again and Zeus, Aachen and Castel lost bonus for defence.
nothing has been changed
and Zeus, Aachen and Castel NEVER gave bonus for defending units

and you can't compare both screenshots:
the one is from an english server (beta) the other not
so both screenshot has different great buildings

I play this game for 2 years and have more than 2000 fights. i know what i mean.
for 2 years you believed Zeus, Aachen and Castel gave a bonus for defending units :confused:
but that NEVER was true

I have 5 watchfares, 1 monastery, max Sain Basil, max Deal castle
Staint Basil and Deal Castle each: 30/30
Monastery: 0/20
5 watchfires: 0/20
makes the +60%/+100% in the second screen shot

, max castel de monde, 6lev zeus and max aachen.
they dont matter in defense
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Betatest03 is correct. The Statue of Zues, Cathedral of Aachen, and Castle del Monte can only boost the attack and defense of the attacking army while Saint Basil and Deal Castle only boost the attack and defense of the defensive army. The latter two GBs plus the Observatory also boost the attack and defense of defending armies in Guild versus Guild, while the Monastery and Watchfire only boost the defense of the defending army in PvP (neighborhood battles). There is no bug here, and everything is working as intended.