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Spoiler New Rush Items


Spoiler Poster
Seems like new rush items are being worked on.


Rush Mass Event Building Instant

Rush Single Event Building

Rush Mass Goods Instant

Rush Single Goods

Not exactly rush items, but these have been added with the others.



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Deleted User - 241425

When the arrow is to the left, it means from the previous age.
Should we conclude that inno will allow you to gain resources and units of the next age? If so, I'm afraid it will ruin the game.


When the arrow is to the left, it means from the previous age.
Should we conclude that inno will allow you to gain resources and units of the next age? If so, I'm afraid it will ruin the game.
The name of the icon also says "special goods", so if it were the next age..... maybe next age special goods?

It's also possible they just wasn't sure what symbol to put for special goods. But if that's the case, then I think they should avoid green arrows for the reasons already stated in the thread: it's already got a implied meaning attached to Age due to the Previous Age symbol


Spoiler Poster
Those speculations about next age goods might be somewhat correct, another icon has been added supporting this theory. Also two more rush icons.




Rush Mass Event Building Instant

Rush Mass Goods Instant

I've also added them to the OP so that they're all together.
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Deleted User - 57457

Too bad that the new rush items probably don't apply to space colonies. Still though it might have strategical value.


Still though it might have strategical value.

Oh sure.

  • New Age gets released

*1 min later*

  • Age up.
  • Reno/One-Up Everything.
    • Mass Aid everything
    • Mass rush the entire city
    • Mass Aid everything
    • Mass rush the entire city
    • Mass Aid everything
    • Mass rush the entire city
    • Mass Aid everything
    • Mass rush the entire city
    • Mass Aid everything
    • Mass rush the entire city
    • Mass Aid everything
    • Mass rush the entire city
    • Mass Aid everything
    • Mass rush the entire city
    • Mass Aid everything
    • Mass rush the entire city
    • Mass Aid everything
    • Mass rush the entire city
Combine that with either the Boathouse chest for Blueprints, or a bunch of the Altar event building that gives Blueprints each day, the new Great Building for the new Age will be way easier and faster to get up and running on Day 1


I hope those are super rare.

Expanding on this thought:

If the Mass Event Rush was offered as a single item per Event; not a special, not a reoccurring Grand Prize, just once per player, then we can reasonably expect 10 of these every year

Beta Announcement Dates:
Space Age Jupiter Moon:
March 2022
Space Age Venus: March 2021
Space Age Asteroid Belt: March 2020
Space Age Mars: April 2019

So we'll probably get Titan sometime around March, and any subsequent Ages/Era's a year apart.

How many full city rushes per year would be considered balanced and not game-breaking?

Only way I really see this being limited in a manner that won't have a cascading effect, is if it's added to something like rewards for reaching a New Age, or the Castle levels. Something that would make it truly a one-time reward that isn't going to keep compounding the longer the game goes on for, and isn't frequent.

Owl II

Expanding on this thought:

If the Mass Event Rush was offered as a single item per Event; not a special, not a reoccurring Grand Prize, just once per player, then we can reasonably expect 10 of these every year

Beta Announcement Dates:
Space Age Jupiter Moon:
March 2022
Space Age Venus: March 2021
Space Age Asteroid Belt: March 2020
Space Age Mars: April 2019

So we'll probably get Titan sometime around March, and any subsequent Ages/Era's a year apart.

How many full city rushes per year would be considered balanced and not game-breaking?

Only way I really see this being limited in a manner that won't have a cascading effect, is if it's added to something like rewards for reaching a New Age, or the Castle levels. Something that would make it truly a one-time reward that isn't going to keep compounding the longer the game goes on for, and isn't frequent.
I don't think it can be a big trouble. Supply rush is a fairly common reward. I have in my main world 40 pieces of 30min, 16 pieces of single finish and 5 pieces of mass finish (the latter have not been used once). I finish the new age research no later than two weeks after the start. At the same time, I help my guild members with goods. Do you think the new items will greatly change my game?
On the other hand, we finally see something new in the game. Not useless decor, not bottles with insignificant boosters, but things that will be in demand


Supply rush is a fairly common reward.
Supply rush is exclusively Supplies though, not Goods, FPs, Treasury, Units etc.

And the main reason Supply Rush doesn’t have much significance is because of the inherent value (or lack thereof) in Supplies. Those rushes have more meaning in completing Quests than they do anything else for a lot of players.

Do you think the new items will greatly change my game?

It would change everyone’s game, entering a new Age just makes the most sense to measure it against as that’s when you need resources the most

On the other hand, we finally see something new in the game. Not useless decor, not bottles with insignificant boosters, but things that will be in demand
True. But it’s only in demand because we don’t yet have a lot of it, just as we used to not be overrun with Happiness. Happiness used to be in demand!

This rush item is going to be a brilliant item for sure, at least initially, but if it becomes too common then it won’t just devalue itself, it’ll devalue everything else in the game with it.

The Forge Fountain (10% increase in Forge Point output for 5 days) would work well with this Rush item for sure, if anyone happens to have kept that in inventory
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The Forge Fountain (10% increase in Forge Point output for 5 days) would work well with this Rush item for sure, if anyone happens to have kept that in inventory
I haven't spend diamonsd to get them yet

but I would collect them until I have 5

5 at once is mathematically the best amount to use
because then all odd numbers would get a rounding up
1 --> 1.5 = 2
3 --> 4.5 = 5
5 --> 7.5 = 8 and so on
so it is ALWAYS at least 50% (for 1 FP buildings the 50% are even 100% !!!!) where 10% - 40% get rounded down often

Owl II

Supply rush is exclusively Supplies though, not Goods, FPs, Treasury, Units etc.

And the main reason Supply Rush doesn’t have much significance is because of the inherent value (or lack thereof) in Supplies. Those rushes have more meaning in completing Quests than they do anything else for a lot of players.

It would change everyone’s game, entering a new Age just makes the most sense to measure it against as that’s when you need resources the most

True. But it’s only in demand because we don’t yet have a lot of it, just as we used to not be overrun with Happiness. Happiness used to be in demand!

This rush item is going to be a brilliant item for sure, at least initially, but if it becomes too common then it won’t just devalue itself, it’ll devalue everything else in the game with it.

The Forge Fountain (10% increase in Forge Point output for 5 days) would work well with this Rush item for sure, if anyone happens to have kept that in inventory
The supplie rush is for quests. The event buildings rush is for a new age. Bottles with boosters - no use.
You are right. There must be a balance in everything. But happiness is not just excess resource, it is an outdated resource. This delicate balance between population, production and happiness has long been destroyed. Only it is unlikely that new boosters will make the game worse. No booster can compare with Сhateau and Аrc. Balance was important, but it has long been destroyed. We've been playing another game for a long time.

And this fountain is just ridiculous for me. Let my collection from a city without GB be 1000 FP. One or two investment to GB with my arc will work better for me than your fountain. This only concerns the process, not the result. It's game. Someone likes to make contributions to GB, someone likes to cultivate their garden. So those who want to speed up with the technology will find a way. Those who want to enjoy it will continue the game at their own pace
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Interesting. Will have to see how this works out especially with Terrace Farms and special Buildings